Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Low-fiber diet

    Therapeutic diet characterized by significantly fewer fiber-containing foods than the usual diet; most low-fiber diets contain less than 10-20 g of mixed fiber daily.  

  • Low birth weight infant

    An infant whose weight at the end of gestation is less than expected based on the mother’s size and the duration of pregnancy. Typically, these infants weigh less than 2500 g.  

  • Losartan potassium

    Angiotensin II receptor antagonist, antihypertensive.  

  • Liver failure

    A state in which the liver ceases to function. A condition in which a damaged liver can no longer meet the many demands placed upon it. When a major portion of the liver is destroyed and the liver fails to function properly, the final treatment option is a liver transplant. The inability of the liver…

  • Liver disease

    A generic term that covers a variety of pathologic states of the liver. The liver may be extensively diseased without any obviously serious symptoms, unless the circulation through it is impeded, the outflow of bile obstructed, or neighbouring organs involved. Jaundice is a symptom of several liver disorders, and is discussed under its separate heading. Ascites,…

  • Lipoprotein lipase

    Enzyme that catalyzes the initial step of hydrolyzing the fatty acids from the glycerol backbone. An enzyme produced by many cells. On the surface of cells lining the vasculature, it hydrolyzes fat (chylomicrons) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) to monoglycerides to free fatty acids and intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL). This enzyme, similar to plasminogen, is an…

  • Lipocortin

    Also called annexin; serves to inhibit the enzyme phospholipase A2.  

  • Lipid dgestion

    The digestion of food lipids consists of a series of enzyme-catalyzed steps resulting in absorbable components. Food lipids (fats and oils) are digested initially in the mouth and then in the stomach and intestine. The digestion of lipid is begun in the mouth with the mastication of food and its mixing with the acid-stable lingual…

  • Lingual lipase

    A lipase found in the saliva that initiates the digestion of triacylglycerides.  

  • Limiting amino acids

    Amino acids are required for normal protein maintenance, but if they are supplied in subnormal amounts they are referred to as limiting. A limiting amino acid is an essential amino acid in a dietary protein that provides the lowest amount in proportion to the amino acid contents of an equal amount of egg protein. The…

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