Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Task force on alcohol and health

    With passage of the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970, a task force was authorized to study the problems associated with alcohol abuse and alcoholism. On February 18, 1972, the first report, Alcohol and Health, was issued. The three major findings were as follows: 1. alcohol is the most…

  • Task analysis

    A description of the elements or components of a task or skill. The process of dividing up an activity into components for the purposes of delineating the specific abilities needed to perform that activity. Purposeful activities require various levels of cognitive, perceptual (e.g., vision, proprioception), musculoskeletal, and neuromuscular abilities. Through understanding the abilities necessary for…

  • Tarsus

    The ankle joint. The seven small bones of the ankle. A connective tissue which supports an eyelid. Seven bones of the ankle and proximal part of the foot; they articulate proximally with the tibia and fibula (lower leg bones) and with the metatarsals distally. The seven bones of the ankle and proximal part of the…

  • Tarsal plate

    The firm framework of connective tissue that gives shape to the upper eyelid. The dense connective tissue structure that supports the eyelid. It was formerly called tarsal cartilage; however, it is not true cartilage.  

  • Tarsal bone

    One of the seven bones of the ankle. One of seven small bones in the ankle, including the talus and calcaneus. Any of seven bones making up the ankle. One of the seven bones of the ankle, hind-foot, and midfoot, consisting of the talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, and three cuneiform bones.  

  • Tarsal

    Pertaining to a tarsus. Pertaining to the seven individual bones that make up the ankle. Of or pertaining to the tarsus of the foot and ankle. The term also refers to the eyelid. One of three subdivisions of the foot. There are seven bones talus, calcaneus, navicular, three cuneiform bones, and the cuboid The other…

  • Target seeking

    A concept developed by James Tanner, which holds that a mechanism monitors the growth of individuals, and if the person’s growth deviates from a normal pattern, the mechanism kicks in that helps get growth back on target.  

  • Target pulse rate

    A heart rate above the resting rate but less than the maximum rate, maximum pulse rate.  

  • Target behavior

    The type of activity to be shaped through the use of behavior modification.  

  • Taraxein

    A substance derived from blood of schizophrenics, which, when injected into the veins of subjects, produced psychotic symptoms.  

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