Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Isoelectric point

    Each protein has a point at which it can become either an acid or alkaline, that is, the neutral or isoelectric point. At this point, the protein is least soluble and will precipitate out of solution. The pH level at which protein shows no net charge. The pH of a protein in solution at which…

  • Ion exchange

    A reversible chemical reaction between a solid and a liquid by means of which ions may be interchanged between the two. It is in common use in water softening and water deionizing.  

  • Iodophors

    A combination of iodine with a wetting agent which slowly releases free iodine in the water. A combination of iodine and a solubilizing agent or carrier that liberates free iodine in solution. Some forms are used as general antiseptics; they are less irritating than elemental forms of iodine.    

  • Iodized salt

    Iodized salt

    Table salt to which .01% sodium or potassium iodide has been added. A salt containing 1 part sodium or potassium iodide to 10,000 parts of sodium chloride. It is an important source of iodine in the diet. Its use prevents goiter due to iodine deficiency. Salt infused with a negligible amount of iodine, frequently suggested…

  • Iodine value

    A measure of the degree of unsaturation of a fat or oil, it refers to the number of grams of iodine absorbed by 100 gm of fat.  

  • Iodine

    An optional declaration on a nutrition label unless added as a nutrient supplement. It is a mineral and serves as a part of thyroid hormone. Iodine helps regulate how fast the body uses energy. A chemical element which is essential to the body, especially to the functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine is a micromineral…

  • Inventory turnover

    Equal to cost of goods sold over value of average inventory.  

  • Intrastate

    Within a state.  

  • Interstate

    Between the states.  

  • Interaction

    The tendency for the combination of two factors to produce a result that is different from the mere sum of the two individual contributions. Where an herb and drug are taken at the same time, changing the effect of the drug (or herb), or producing an adverse reaction. A statistical term pertaining to the fact…

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