Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Tomogram

    A radiograph that demonstrates images at various depths based on a method of moving the film during exposure. A picture of part of the body taken by tomography.  

  • Tolerance

    The ability to endure or be less responsive to a stimulus over a period of continued exposure. The power of resisting the action of a poison or of taking a drug continuously or in large doses without injurious effect. Decreasing response to continued use of the same dose of a drug. The ability to endure…

  • TMJ (abbrev)

    Temporomandibular joint.  

  • TMD (abbrev)

    Temporomandibular disorders.  

  • Titanium reinforced

    Amaterial that is reinforced by a titanium structure for increased rigidity.  

  • Titanium plasma sprayed (TPS)

    A process involving high‐temperature deposition of titanium powders that are totally or partially melted and then rapidly resolidified, forming a dense or porous coating.  

  • Titanium oxide

    Naturally occurring compounds of titanium and oxygen in various configurations. Chemical formula for titanium oxides are: TiO, TiO2, Ti2O3, and Ti3O5. Titanium oxide occurs naturally on the surface of titanium when it is exposed to air, and it is critical to osseointegration between living bone and a titanium implant.  

  • Titanium mesh

    A flexible titanium grid used in bone augmentation procedures to assist in maintaining a predetermined volume for bone regeneration during healing.  

  • Titanium alloy

    A biocompatible medical alloy used for the fabrication of dental implants and their components. Its physical properties are superior to most commercially pure titanium. The most common titanium alloy used for the fabrication of dental implants is Ti‐6Al‐4V, which contains approximately 90% titanium, 6% aluminum, and 4% vanadium.  

  • Titanium (Ti)

    An element that has qualities making it biocompatible, bioinert, and nontoxic. A light metallic element which does not corrode. A metallic element found in combination with minerals; atomic weight, 47.90; atomic number, 22; specific gravity, 4.54. In dentistry, it is used as an alloy chiefly for appliances and implants because of its biological acceptance and…

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