
A drug derived from cinchona bark that is useful in treating irregularities of the heart beat.

Drug, used to treat certain heart arrhythmias. Adverse effects include gastrointestinal upsets, high blood pressure, and cardiac arrhythmia.

A drug used to treat abnormal heart rhythms; an antimalarial drug. Quinidine (Quinaglute) is effective in the treatment of abnormal heart rhythms because it slows cardiac activities in all parts of the heart. Quinidine is also used to treat malaria when quinine is unavailable, although the two drugs are not the same and should not be confused with one another.

A drug that slows down the activity of the heart and is administered by mouth to control abnormal and increased heart rhythm. Digestive upsets and symptoms of cinchonism may occur as side-effects.

An alkaloid obtained from cinchona bark and closely related in chemical composition and in action to quinine. It is occasionally used in the form of quinidine sulphate to treat cardiac irregularities such as supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular arrhythmias.




