Required service

Services which must be offered by a health program in order to meet some external standard. Under title XIX of the Social Security Act, each State must offer certain basic health services before it can qualify as having a Medicaid program (and thus for eligibility for Federal matching funds). The required services are: hospital services; laboratory and x-ray services; skilled nursing facility services for individuals 21 and over; early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment services for individuals under 21; family planning services; physicians’ services; and home health care services for all persons eligible for skilled nursing facility services. It is important to note that, within these requirements, States may determine the scope and extent of benefits (limiting hospital care to 30 days a year, etc.). States may offer additional services in their Medicaid program ; called optional services because they are offered at the option of the State.

A service that must be included in a health program for it to qualify for federal funds.




