
Instrument used to hold soft tissue away from bony structures in order to visualize an area during surgery or to photograph an area.

An instrument used for holding tissues apart during a surgical procedure.

A surgical instrument which pulls and holds back the edge of the incision in an operation.

Instrument used in surgery to hold back the edges of organs to maintain exposure of underlying structures.

An instrument used to hold the sides of a surgical incision open or hold back the surrounding organs and tissues so the surgeon has access to the area being operated on. Retractors come in various shapes and sizes, depending on the type of surgery being done.

A surgical instrument used to expose the operation site by drawing aside the cut edges of skin, muscle, or other tissues. There are several types of retractors for different operations.

An instrument for pulling apart the edges of an incision to allow a surgeon to gain better access to the organs and tissues being operated on.

An instrument for holding back the margins of a wound or structures within the wound.

A surgical tool employed to maintain a surgical incision in an open position and retract underlying layers of tissue.

The surgical instrument you are referring to is called a “retractor.” A retractor is utilized during surgery to maintain an incision or wound open, allowing the surgeon a clear and unobstructed view of the surgical site and facilitating access to the specific area that requires treatment or manipulation. Retractors can be made from various materials and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed to suit the unique requirements of different surgical procedures. They play a crucial role in ensuring optimal visibility and maneuverability for the surgeon, thus contributing to the success and precision of the operation.

A tool utilized to pull back the edges of a wound or an organ, providing the surgeon with a clear area to operate.




