
Going backward or deteriorating, getting worse.

Moving or going backward; moving in a direction opposite to that considered normal.

Movement opposite of the normal pattern, moving backward to a less developed or well state.

Going backward, or moving in the opposite direction to the normal. Retrograde amnesia is a failure to remember events immediately preceding an illness or injury.

Movement in a contrary or backward direction from normal (e.g. a retrograde pyelogram introduces dye into the pelvis of the kidney by: passing it up the ureters).

Moving backward; degenerating from a better to a worse state.

Refers to the inability to recollect information or events that occurred prior to the onset of the amnestic disorder, resulting in memory loss of past experiences.

Reversing or proceeding in the contrary direction to the usual course. In the case of retrograde ejaculation, for instance, semen is propelled into the bladder instead of being expelled through the tip of the penis.




