
The main axis of a tree from the roots to where the crown branches: the base, plus the bole, plus the axis of the crown.

The body, excluding the head and extremities.

The central stem of a tree: at least that part of it below the first branches, and often continuing upward as the dominant supporting element of the tree’s canopy, as in firs, spruces and most pines. The stems of larger palms are also referred to as trunks, though of different structure and behaviour from the trunks of true (dicotyledonous) trees.

Body excluding the head and limbs; main stem of any lymphatic vessel, blood vessels, or nerve.

The main part of a blood vessel, lymph vessel, or nerve, from which branches arise.

A major vessel or nerve from which lesser ones arise; or the main part of the body excluding the head, neck and limbs.

The body exclusive of the head and limbs.

The core of the body, encompassing the chest and abdomen, is often referred to by this term. It can also describe a major blood vessel or nerve that serves as a point of origin for smaller branching vessels or nerves.

The torso is the central part of the body to which the head and limbs are connected.




