
Surgical correction or repair of injuries or defects in the tympanic membrane or bones of the middle ear to improve hearing.

Surgical reconstruction of a ruptured tympanic membrane.

A surgical procedure to treat hearing loss by repairing the eardrum (tympanic membrane) or by repairing or repositioning the tiny bones of the middle ear. Tympanoplasty is performed to eliminate an infection or repair a perforation of the eardrum and to repair the sound-transmitting structures of the middle ear.

Any one of several surgical procedures designed either to cure a chronic inflammatory process in the middle ear or to restore function to the sound-transmitting mechanism of the middle ear.

When confronted with the necessity to address damage or impairment caused by infection or trauma, a sequence of steps is followed to facilitate the reconstruction of the tympanic membrane, commonly known as the eardrum, as well as the middle ear bone. This restorative procedure aims to restore optimal function and alleviate associated complications.

A surgical procedure performed on the ear to address conductive deafness involves repairing a perforation in the eardrum or reshaping and reconstructing the affected ossicles, which are the small bones in the middle ear responsible for transmitting sound.




