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Green Turtle facts

Green Turtle facts Quick Facts
Name: Green Turtle facts
Scientific Name: Chelonia mydas
Origin It is native to tropical and subtropical oceans in the world. It is also found in Caribbean Sea and Mediterranean. It also ranges in Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
Colors Olive, brown and black
Shapes Length: 1.5 meters (5 ft); Carapace length: 78-112 cm (31-44 inches)
Calories 76 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Vitamin B6 (1000.00%)
Manganese (621.74%)
Protein (33.66%)
Copper (23.56%)
Phosphorus (21.86%)
Health benefits Supports immunity, Bone health, Skin problems, Eye health, Repair cells
Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) are a genus of sea turtle comprising the species of Chelonia mydas and family Cheloniidae. It is native to tropical and subtropical oceans in the world. It is also found in Caribbean Sea and Mediterranean. It also ranges in Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Adult Green Sea turtle grow to a length. They have the weight of 68-190 kg (150-419 lb). They are herbivorous and feed on sea grasses and algae. The young ones consume fish eggs, jellyfish, mollusks, small invertebrates, worms, algae, sponges and crustaceans. It consists of large and paddles like flippers. It is olive, brown and black in color. It has dorsoventrally flattened body, short neck, beaked head and arms like paddle which assist them in swimming. It grows upto 1.5 metres (5 ft) in length. Female turtle lay from 100 to 150 eggs at one time. The parasites known as barnacles, protozoans, leeches, nematodes and cestodes are found in this turtles. Green turtle, Pacific green turtle, Black (sea) turtle, Common green sea turtle, Common Green Turtle, Eastern Pacific green turtle, Green sea turtle and Green seaturtle are its common names.

Nutritional value

In 85 grams of raw Green sea turtle, we could find 66.72 g of moisture, 76 calories, 16.83 g of protein, 0.42 g of total lipid and 1.02 g of ash. It also offers the minerals such as 100 mg of calcium, 1.19 mg of iron, 17 mg of magnesium, 153 mg of phosphorus, 196 mg of potassium, 58 mg of sodium, 0.85 mg of zinc, 0.212 mg of copper and 14.3 mg of manganese. The vitamins such as Thiamine (0.102 mg), Vitamin B2 (0.128 mg), Niacin (0.935 mg), Vitamin B5 (0.102 mg), Vitamin B6 (13 mg), folic acid (13 µg), choline (0.85 mg), Vitamin A (26 µg), Vitamin A, IU (85 IU), retinol (26 µg), Vitamin E (0.42 mg) and Vitamin K (0.1 µg).

Health Benefits of Green Turtle

Green turtle is the largest sea turtle which could weight upto 500 lbs (225 kg) measuring four feet (1.2 m) long. Adult is an herbivore whose diet is sea grasses, algae and seaweeds. It has got sharp beak. Due to various amount of nutrients loaded in Green turtle it provides numerous health benefits:

  1. Supports immunity

Pyridoxine is vital for repairing immune system in the body for the performance of its functions. The deficiency of Vitamin B6 leads the body to adopt various infections that could affect the health of the body. (1)

  1. Bone health

Manganese is vital for the structure of human bones. It helps to aid the mineral density of spinal bone. When women experience menopause, they experience the deficiency of manganese so they should intake the minerals to prevent the fractures. The study shows that manganese helps to prevent the chances of osteoporosis and slows down the chances of its growth. (2)

  1. Skin problems

Protein is essential for the mechanical support and tissue strengthening which is mostly wear and tear. Collagen is the protein which is essential for the strengthening of tissues, cells as well as organs. The high content of collagen in the body provides low wrinkled and youthful skin. (3) (4)

  1. Eye health

Copper is essential for the melanin, dark pigment, skin, eyes and hair coloration. Copper helps to produce melanin. The supplements of copper prevent the hair graying. It also stimulates the cell integrity. It maintains the eye health. (5) (6)

  1. Repair cells

Phosphorus assist in repair and maintenance of body cells that tears easily. It stimulates the cells and maintains overall health of the body. It contributes in the formation of protein and correct hormones to react properly. (7)

  1. Reactions

It is vital for the chemical reactions in the body to take place. It promote the nutrient utilization that enters to the body. (8)

  1. Regulates temperature

Iron is vital to regulate the temperature of the body. It regulates the bodily absorption. The stability of temperature in the body is the efficient function of metabolic and enzymes. (9)

  1. Carries oxygen

Iron plays a vital role to transfer oxygen to the body cells. It is essential for the organs for the various functions. (10)

  1. Gum health

Calcium makes the jaw bones strong and stimulates tight and fitting teeth. One should consume the diet rich in calcium to prevent the healthy gum as well as teeth. (11)

  1. Kidney ailments

The crystallized deposits in the urinary tract are called kidney stones. It was thought that due to the high intake of calcium is the cause for the development of kidney stones. But now it is known that it is not the cause for the kidney stones. The low consumption of fluid and high intake of spinach and kale causes kidney problems. (12)


How to Eat         

Other Facts        

Green turtle facts

Green turtle is the large sea turtle which has wide and smooth carapace (or shell). It is brown or olive in color that is dependent on its habitat. The sea turtle having wide, smooth carapace, or shell. It is found in tropical and subtropical coastal waters around the world. It has small head, heart shaped carapace which measures about 5 feet (1.5 meters). Females are smaller than males having long tail. Flippers are like paddles due to which they would be able to swim gracefully. The young one consumes jellyfish, crabs and sponges. Though toothless, it has strong jaws to bite, crush and tear the food.

Name Green Turtle facts
Scientific Name Chelonia mydas
Native It is native to tropical and subtropical oceans in the world. It is also found in Caribbean Sea and Mediterranean. It also ranges in Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
Common/English Name Green turtle, Pacific green turtle, Black (sea) turtle, Common green sea turtle, Common Green Turtle, Eastern Pacific green turtle, Green sea turtle, green seaturtle
Name in Other Languages Brazilian Portuguese: Aruanã, Tartaruga-verde;
Chinese: Hǎiguī (海龟), Lǜ hǎiguī (绿海龟);
French: Tortue comestible, Tortue franche, Tortue franche, Tortue verte, Tortue verte du Pacifique est;
German: Suppenschildkrote;
Japanese: Aōmigame (アオウミガメ);
Russian: Zelonaya cherepakha (Зелёная черепаха), Cherepakha zelenaya morskaya (Черепаха зеленая морская);
Spanish: Tortuga blanca, Tortuga prieta, Tortuga verde, Tortuga-marina verde-del Atlántico;
Lifespan Long lived, 80 years
Predators Ghost crabs, gulls, sharks, dolphins
Diet Herbivorous, seagrasses, algae
Mating season June-September
Skull Round, smooth
Shape & size Length: 1.5 meters (5 ft); Carapace length: 78-112 cm (31-44 inches)
Weight 68-190 kg (150-419 lb)
Color Olive, brown and black
Undershell Pale yellow, orange
Belly White, cream, light yellow
Carapace Depressed, smooth, rounded, light brown and dark streaks
Ventral Whitish yellow
Mating season June-September
Eggs shape & size Round, white; Diameter: 45 mm
Major Nutritions Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 13 mg (1000.00%)
Manganese, Mn 14.3 mg (621.74%)
Protein 16.83 g (33.66%)
Copper, Cu 0.212 mg (23.56%)
Phosphorus, P 153 mg (21.86%)
Iron, Fe 1.19 mg (14.88%)
Calcium, Ca 100 mg (10.00%)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.128 mg (9.85%)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.102 mg (8.50%)
Zinc, Zn 0.85 mg (7.73%)
Health Benefits
  • Supports immunity
  • Bone health
  • Skin problems
  • Eye health
  • Repair cells
  • Reactions
  • Regulates temperature
  • Carries oxygen
  • Gum health
  • Kidney ailments
Calories in 3 oz (85 gm) 76 Kcal.
  • It is better to consult a doctor before consumption by the people with health problems.
  • Consume it in adequate amounts.
How to Eat
  • The fat is used to make turtle soup.
  • The meat is used in various cuisines or soups.
Other Facts
  • It is considered to be the largest sea turtle.
  • It is a sign of longevity and good luck.
  • The largest species weighs about 395 kg (871 lb) and measures 153 cm (60 inches) as carapace length.
  • It could detect the sound from the vibration of backbone, head and shell.
  • The female lays 100 eggs in a single time.





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