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Hackberry facts

Hackberry is a member of elm family which is the versatile shade trees. It prefers moist and bottomland soils. Hackberry is adaptable to
rocky, compacted or dry soil. This tree provides shade, controls erosion and windbreak. Hackberry has rounded crown and slender branches. Hackberry trees are planted in the parks, gardens and backyards as it is tolerable to drought, air pollution of the air and also provides shade.

Name Hackberry
Scientific Name Celtis occidentalis
Native North America
Common/English Name American hackberry, Hackberry, Mississippi hackberry, Nettletree, Northern hackberry, Sugarberry, vals witstinkhout, amerikanischer Zürgelbaum, bäralm and beaverwood
Name in Other Languages French: micicoulier ronce;
Denmark: naeldetrae;
Germany: Abendlaendischer Zuergelbaum;
Greece: Celtis aetnensis;
Italy: bgolaro occidentale;
Netherlands: zwepenboom;
Sweden: bäralm;
USA: gube
Plant Growth Habit Deciduous, perennial tree
Growing Climate Warm
Plant Size 40-80 feet
Lifespan 150-200 years
Bark Grayish brown, corky warts and ridges
Leaf Alternate, oval to lanceshaped, pinnate, green; Length: 2 ½-4 inches; Width: 1 ½ inches
Flowering Season April and May
Flower Not showy, small, greenish to yellow
Fruit shape & size Oblong drupe, oval;  Diameter: 1/4-1/3 inch
Fruit color Black, purple or red
Fruit Taste Sweet
  • Green Cascade
  • Prairie Sentinel
  • Prairie Pride
  • Magnifica
Fruit Season September and October
Traditional uses
  • The bark is used by Native Americans to treat the sore throat.
  • The extract from wood is used to cure jaundice.
  • A decoction made from bark is used to cure sore throats.
  • The bark if combined with the powdered shells is used to cure VD.
  • The bark is boiled and used to regulate menstrual cycles, promote abortions and treat venereal diseases.
How to Eat
  • Fruits are eaten fresh or made as jam.
  • It is used to season meat and used as an ingredient for bread.
  • Native Americans use fruit as porridge which is made with the mixture of corn and animal fat.
  •  It is used to add flavor.



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