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Indian Barberry facts

Indian Barberry is the medicinal plant which is also called daruharidra and usually available in the Himalaya and other parts. Rasaut is prepared from the plant of Barberry which is used to treat the ailments such as ophthalmic, skin diseases and jaundice. This plant helps to treat oxidative stress, remittent fevers and used as an aid for heart and liver. It possess febrifugal, immuno-stimulating, hypotensive, antiinflammatory, antiprotozoal, antimicrobial, antiarrhythmic and anticholinergic properties. From the ancient times, it is used in ayurvedic medicines. The fruits are an excellent source of Vitamin C. The root and bark are a great source of isoquinoline alkaloids and berberine. It is used to make dye for clothes, leathers and cottons. The roots are used to prepare alcoholic drinks.

Name Indian Barberry
Scientific Name Berberis aristata
Native Native to Himalayas in India and Nepal. The plant is mostly found in Himalayas, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and in the hilly areas of Nepal.
Common/English Name Indian Barberry, Nepal Barberry, Tree Turmeric, Darlahad, Ophthalmic barberry, Berberis aristata, Berberis coriaria, Berberis chitria, Bérbero Indio, Darhahed, Chitra, Daruhaldi, Darhald, Darurajani, Daruharidra, Darvi, Hint Amberparisi, Épine-Vinette Aristée, Indian Lycium, Indian Ophthalmic Barberry, Ophthalmic , Nepalese Barberry
Name in Other Languages Sanskrit: Katamkateri;
Bengali: Daruharidra;
English: Indian Berberry;
Gujrati: Daruharidra;
Hindi: Daruhaldi;
Kannada: Maradarishana;
Malayalam: Maramannal;
Marathi: Daruhalad;
Oriya: Daruharidra;
Punjabi: Sumalou;
Tamil: Gangeti;
Telgu: Manupasupu;
Urdu: Darhald
Plant Growth Habit Erect, glabrous, spinescent, evergreen shrub
Growing Climate Temperate
Soil Dry, moist
Plant Size Height: 2 and 3 meters
Bark Outside: Yellow-brown bark
Inside: Dark yellow
Stem Rectangular, squarish, thin walled, yellow
Leaf Length: 4.9 cm; Broad: 1.8 cm, deep green, simple, pinnate, toothed,
obovate-elliptic, subacute-obtuse
Flowering Season April-May
Flower Yellow, hermaphroditic, Diameter: 12.5 millimeters
Fruit shape & size Length: 7 millimeters, Diameter: 4 millimeters; oblong-ovoid or ovoid
Fruit weight 227 milligrams, Volume: 237 microliters
Fruit color Aconite violet
Flesh color Plum purple
Fruit Taste Succulent, acidic, sweet
Seed 2-5 seeds, yellow-pink
Seed size 25 mg, Volume: 29 microliters
Fruit Season May and June
Health Benefits
  • Anti-inflammation
  • Treat diabetes
  • Treats diarrhea
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Treats cancer
Traditional uses
  • Eye ailments
  • Stomach problems
  • Diarrhea in children
  • Piles
  • Ulcer
  • Intestine infection
  • Remittent fevers
  • Jaundice
  • Skin diseases
  • Painful urination
  • Not safe for the newborn infants.
  • Should not use by breast feeding and pregnant women.
  • The excessive use severe diarrhea, vomiting and excessive sweating.
  • Avoid the use if any reaction occurs.
How to Eat
  • Added to the dessert.
  • Used to make an alcoholic drink.
  • Dried fruits are used like raisins.
  • Flower buds are used to make sauces.
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