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Usage and benefits of Ledum essential oil

Usage and benefits of Ledum essential oil Quick Facts
Name: Usage and benefits of Ledum essential oil
Origin Ledum essential oil is derived from the Labroador tea plant or Ledum groenlandicum that is inherent to North America.
Colors Light brown or light yellow
Health benefits Skin health, Promotes thyroid function, Enhance immunity, Treatment for cancer, Prevents urinary tract infection
Ledum is an evergreen shrub which grows to the height of 5 feet. It is also called Greenland Moss Essential Oil, Labrador tea, Marsh Tea and Swamp Tea. The oil is extracted with the steam distillation process of leaves providing a peppery and smoky aroma. The oil is clear and color ranges from light yellow to light brown. It has thin consistency with strong, wild, balsamic, woody and herbaceous scent. This oil is being used for maintaining the health of kidneys and livers. It is used as a tonic for liver and clean liver that helps to prevent hepatitis, liver dysfunctions and fatty liver. It helps to manage weight, obesity and helpful for water retention and edema. It is also useful for congested prostate, stomach discomfort, allergies, bronchitis, laryngitis, sooth cold and flu and regulates thyroids.


Ledum essential oil is derived from the Labroador tea plant or Ledum groenlandicum that is inherent to North America. It is found in South latitudes of tundra and cold northern latitudes. In between June and July, the white flowers produce sweet scent.

For thousands of years, it is used for medicinal purposes. The leaves are dried, crushed and boiled to make a therapeutic concoction. It is used by Native Americans to promote the bowel movement and eliminate body wastes. The extracts of the plant helps to lower joint inflammation and soothe muscle soreness.

Due to its detoxification and diuretic properties, it is used as a tea. The essential oil helps to cure skin problems, counteract depression, enhance depression and treat insomnia.

Health Benefits of Ledum essential oil

Ledum essential oil possess anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-tumor, anti-malaria, anti-cancer, liver as well as kidney detoxification properties. The therapeutic abilities are due to the presence of vital constituents such as alpha selinene, beta bisabolene, alpha humulene, beta pinene, alpha pinene, sabinene, germacrene and gamma terpinene.

  1. Skin health

Ledum essential oil helps to enhance the normal function of thyroid. The thyroid problems cause in low production of thyroid hormones that is responsible for various health conditions. It assist in thyroid stimulation for the production of adequate hormones which helps to prevent skin problems.

  1. Promotes thyroid function

Ledum essential oil helps to promote the thyroid functions. It is useful for both hypothyoid condition and hyperthyroid conditions. It assists the thyroid functionality balance.

  1. Enhance immunity

It helps to enhance the immunity of body by making the body able to counteract with health ailments and diseases.

  1. Treatment for cancer

Ledum essential oil helps to effectively counteract against tumors and cancer.  It creates an obstruction in the tumor formation.

  1. Prevents urinary tract infection

It helps to maintain the health of urinary tract and also prevents the infections. It eliminates the toxins from the kidney.

  1. Lowers inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties found in Ledum essential oil helps to lower inflammation in lymph nodes.

  1. Calm mind

It helps to calm nervous system that helps to free mind from nervousness and anxiety. It also treats insomnia.

  1. Respiratory health

It helps to treat various respiratory ailments such as fever, cough, cold, inflammation of bronchitis and larynx.

  1. Digestive health

This essential oil helps to treat upset digestive system due to the presence of medical components.

  1. Relieve headaches

Ledum essential oil has an analgesic property that helps to provide relief from the headaches.

Traditional uses


Other Facts        

It could be blended with essential oils of fennel, grapefruit, lemon, petitgrain, juniper, lavender, rose and ylang ylang.

Ledum essential oil facts

Ledum essential oil has sesquiterpenoids that helps to calm emotions, body and mind. It helps to counteract the symptoms of sleeplessness and insomnia. It also supports the function of thyroids by relieving the symptoms of thyroid imbalance. The research shows that it provides relief from kidney conditions, coughs, fevers and skin ailments.

Name Usage and benefits of Ledum essential oil
Native Ledum essential oil is derived from the Labroador tea plant or Ledum groenlandicum that is inherent to North America. It is found in South latitudes of tundra and cold northern latitudes. In between June and July, the white flowers produce sweet scent.
Common/English Name Greenland Moss Essential Oil, Labrador tea, Marsh Tea,  Swamp Tea
Shelf life 5 to 6 years
Color Light brown or light yellow
Flavor/aroma Peppery, smoky
Health Benefits
  • Skin health
  • Promotes thyroid function
  • Enhance immunity
  • Treatment for cancer
  • Prevents urinary tract infection
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Calm mind
  • Respiratory health
  • Digestive health
  • Relieve headaches
Traditional uses
  • It cures skin problems, kidney problems, fever and coughs.
  • It relieves aches, nausea, congestion, pains, cough and sore throat.
  • It stimulates the immune system.
  • It eliminates toxins and wastes.
  • Don’t use internally without the supervision of an expert.
  • Dilute it with carrier oil or other essential oil for use.
  • People having sensitive skin might get skin rashes.
  • Breast feeding, pregnant women or people with medications should consult the doctor before use.
  • Use it in moderate amounts.
  • Don’t use on very small children and infants.
Other Facts It is blended with essential oils of fennel, grapefruit, lemon, petitgrain, juniper, lavender, rose and ylang ylang.





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