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Pili Nuts Facts

Canarium ovatum, commonly known as pili, is a species of tropical tree belonging to the genus Canarium. It is one of approximately 600 species in the family Burseraceae. It is an important cultivation tree in the Philippines because of its edible nuts but can also be found in Northern Australia, Papua New Guinea and most islands and maritime areas of South-eastern Asia. Pili are an evergreen tree of about 20 meters in height. The ripe fruit of this deciduous tree possess thick black skin and you can find the nut inside a hard shell which is enclosed in a greenish pulp. Pili nuts are slender of about two inches in height and diameter of about three to four inches. Even though these nuts are tiny, they are highly nutritious and offer you a number of health benefits when you include them in your diet. You get light yellow colored edible oil from these nuts and you can use it as a substitute for olive oil.

Name Pili nuts
Scientific Name Canarium ovatum
Native Native to maritime Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines), Papua New Guinea, and Northern Australia.
Common/English Name Pacific almond, canarium nut, pili nut, Java almond, Kenari nut, galip nut, nangai, and ngali
Name in Other Languages German: Pilinuß
English: Pili nut
Philippines: Pili
Malay: Kanari
French: Nangai (Vanuatu)
Spanish: Arbol de la nuez pili
Plant Growth Habit Tall, attractive symmetrical, resinous-wood trees
Growing Climate Warm temperature and even rainfall. They cannot resist even a small amount frost neither low temperature.
Soil Grow well on both light and heavy soils. Prefers deep, fertile, well-drained soil.
Plant Size 20 m (66 ft) tall and 50 cm in diameter.
Trunk Diameters of 50 centimeters or more.
Leaf Compound and arranged on either side, typically in pairs opposite each other. Leaves have deltoid to lingulate stipules, spirally arranged, imparipinnate, about 40 centimeters long.
Leaflets Ovate to elliptic, 4 to 24 centimeters long and 2 to 12 centimeters wide, stiff-coriaceous, entire, base oblique, rounded to sub cordate, apex acuminate with 8 to 12 pairs of nerves.
Flower Whitish yellow in color. It is 3-merous, unisexual, sub sessile, pubescent, up to 12 mm long; calyx cupular, 7 mm long in male, 8-9 mm in female flowers; petals 2 cm × 1 cm; stamens 6, slightly adnate to the disk in male, inserted on the rim of the disk and sterile in female flowers; pistil absent in male flowers, in female ones 7 mm long, ovary 3-locular, style 1.5 mm, stigma 3-lobed.
Fruit Shape & Size Drupe with a length of 4-7 cm (1.6 to 2.8 in) and 2.3 to 3.8 cm (0.91-1.50 in) diameters, typically in a teardrop shape.
Fruit Weight Up to 15.7 to 45.7g (0.035-0.101 lb.)
Fruit Color Turning from light green to purplish black after the fruit ripens
Fruit Skin Smooth, thin, shiny skin
Flesh Color Greenish yellow color
Flavor/Aroma Sweet and nutty flavor.
Taste Rich buttery taste
  • Katutubo
  • Mayon
  • Oas
  • Poamoho
Season May to October
Major Nutrition Total Fat (lipid) 95.46 g (272.74%)
Copper, Cu 1.15 mg (127.78%)
Manganese, Mn 2.776 mg (120.70%)
Phosphorus, P 690 mg (98.57%)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 1.096 mg (91.33%)
Magnesium, Mg 362 mg (86.19%)
Iron, Fe 4.24 mg (53.00%)
Tryptophan 0.227 g (51.59%)
Valine 0.841 g (39.82%)
Isoleucine 0.58 g (34.69%)
Zinc, Zn 3.56 mg (32.36%)
Leucine 1.068 g (28.90%)
Threonine 0.488 g (27.73%)
Protein 12.96 g (25.92%)
Histidine 0.306 g (24.84%)
Vitamin B9 (Folate) 72 µg (18.00%)
Calcium, Ca 174 mg (17.40%)
Lysine 0.443 g (13.25%)
Potassium, K 608 mg (12.94%)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 0.575 mg (11.50%)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.138 mg (10.62%)
Health Benefits
  • Improve Cognition
  • Treat anemia
  • Promotes Heart Health
  • Diabetic Aid
  • Bone Health
  • Lower high blood pressure
  • Digestive Issues
  • Weight Loss
  • Overcome Insomnia
  • Promotes Skin And Hair Health
  • Inflammation
  • Sleep Aid
  • Energy Booster
  • Prevents Tongue Inflammation
  • Chronic Disease
  • Immune System Strength
  • Cholesterol Balance
  • Proper Development and Growth
Calories in 1 cup (100 gm) 863 K cal
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