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Tansy essential oil facts and benefits

Tansy essential oil facts and benefits Quick Facts
Name: Tansy essential oil facts and benefits
Origin Native to Europe and Asia
Colors Yellow
Health benefits Eliminates bacteria, Prevent fungus, Lowers inflammation, Controls allergic reactions, Erase virus
Tansy with scientific name Tanacetum vulgare, is a perennial and herbaceous flowering plant that belongs to the aster family. Other names for Tansy plant are Bachelors’ button, Scented fern, Bitter Buttons, Tansy, Garden tansy, Stinking willie, Golden buttons and Parsley fern. Tansy essential oil is extracted from the parts of plant with the use of steam distillation process. It possess warm, spicy and herbaceous aroma. This oil is yellow in color. During ancient times, it was used as a treatment for upset digestion and intestinal worms. This oil also acts as an insect repellent as well as preservative for thousands of years. The studies also show that it has the ability to repel arthropods and mosquitoes. Tansy essential oil possesses the main chemical components such as thujone, camphor, isopinocamphone, borneol, artemisone, camphone and piperitone.


It was used for medicinal purposes by ancient Greeks. It was grown in 8th century in the herb gardens of Charlemagne. It was used for treating rheumatism, intestinal worms, fevers, digestive problems, sores and measles. In the Middle Ages, it was used in high doses for promoting abortions. It was also used to prevent miscarriages. It was believed to control flatulence and prevent intestinal worms. It was used as a face wash for purifying and lightening skin. In 19th century, it was suggested to bath in a solution of salts and tansy to cure the joint pain.

Health Benefits of Tansy essential oil

Tansy oil possess antiviral, antibacterial, sedative, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, lowering heat, anti-histaminic, anti-histaminic, febrifuge, antiviral, hormone stimulant, insecticide, vermifuge and sedative properties. It is widely used by European people. The oil is extracted through steam distillation process. Though it is highly toxic, it is loaded with numerous health benefits.

  1. Eliminates bacteria

This essential oil is fatal for bacteria that exist in the human body. This oil is so harmful and destroys them by preventing its multiplication. It provides protection against the bacterial infections if used in mild doses.

  1. Prevent fungus

Besides being harmful for bacteria, it is equally lethal for fungus as well. The fungus could not bear its toxicity. It destroys their spores. It prevents fungal infections that are the cause for running ears, skin diseases, dysentery and hair problems.

  1. Lowers inflammation

Tansy essential oil provides relief from inflammation on skin as well as other parts of the body. It also provides relief of inflammation on digestive, respiratory and nervous systems.

  1. Controls allergic reactions

Allergies are triggered by the histamine in the body and are related to itches, rashes, asthma, continuous sneezes, breathing troubles and hiccups. Allergies could be disastrous if they take on heart and liver. It could be countered by reducing the histamine level in the body. This essential oil neutralize histamine and prevents its production by controlling the allergic reactions.

  1. Erase virus

It consists of components such as camphor and thujone which helps to destroy viruses. It breaks the cyst, probe inside and destroy the virus. It blocks the virus growth and provides immunity against mumps, common cold, pox and measles.

  1. Prevent infections

Fevers are caused due to the ongoing fight between infection by virus, bacteria, fungi & protozoa and body’s immune mechanism. The body’s temperature becomes higher with the body’s more severe reaction. It prohibits the infections and lowers fevers. This essential oil possesses anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antiviral properties.

  1. Acts as insecticide

This essential oil has insect repellent properties to avoid ants, cockroaches, moths, termites, lice, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and bed bugs. It is also effective for mice and wall lizards.

  1. Secrete hormones

Tansy essential oil stimulates endocrine glands and also increases the hormone secretion. It is usually found in thymus and thyroid glands which affects maturity and growth.

  1. Relaxing effect

Tansy oil has sedative properties for emotional impulses and nerves. It helps to pacify depression, anxiety, convulsions, anger, epilepsy, impulsive behavior and hysteric attacks. It provides relaxing effect on brain and nerves.

  1. Eliminate worms

This oil has poisonous effect that helps to destroy parasitic and intestinal worms that exist in the human body such as hook worms, tape worms and round worms. It also kills the worms that form in wounds. It assists in regrowth of cells and speeds up the healing process of wounds.

Traditional uses


Other Facts        

It blends with Bergamot, Clary Sage, Cedarwood, Geranium, Frankincense Sacred, Lavender, Neroli, Lemon, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Rose, Ylang Ylang Extra.

Tansy essential oil facts

Tansy essential oil is derived from steam distillation of plant parts. This perennial herb is inherent to Europe. It grows up to one meter in height with dark green ferny leaves, smooth stem and round yellow flowers in clusters. It is used to eradicate worms, prevent miscarriages and for curing fevers and colds. As Tansy oil has thujone, it could cause uterine bleeding, vomiting and convulsions.

Name Tansy essential oil facts and benefits
Scientific Name of Tansy Plant Tanacetum vulgare
Native Native to Europe and Asia.|
It was used for medicinal purposes by ancient Greeks. It was grown in 8th century in the herb gardens of Charlemagne. It was used for treating rheumatism, intestinal worms, fevers, digestive problems, sores and measles.
Common Names of Tansy Plant Bachelors’ button, scented fern, Bitter Buttons, Tansy,  Garden tansy, stinking willie, golden buttons, parsley fern
Consistency Thick
Color Yellow
Aroma Warm, spicy, herbaceous
Health Benefits
  • Eliminates bacteria
  • Prevent fungus
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Controls allergic reactions
  • Erase virus
  • Prevent infections
  • Acts as insecticide
  • Secrete hormones
  • Relaxing effect
  • Eliminate worms
Traditional uses It eliminates worms from the body, cure fevers and colds, ease dyspepsia and prevent miscarriages.
  • Tansy oil is harmful even in small dosages.
  • It triggers hallucinations and nervous problems.
  • It could lead to spasms, convulsions, uterine bleeding, vomiting and even death when used excessively.
  • Avoid by pregnant women and breast feeding women.
  • It is not suggested to use in aromatherapy.
  • Don’t use it for prolonged time period.
  • People sensitive to daisies, marigolds, chrysanthemums, ragweed might experience allergic reactions.
  • It could worsen porphyria.
Other Facts It is blended with Bergamot, Clary Sage, Cedarwood, Geranium, Frankincense Sacred, Lavender, Neroli, Lemon, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Rose, Ylang Ylang Extra.





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