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Facts about Yellow Archangel

Yellow Archangel Quick Facts
Name: Yellow Archangel
Scientific Name: Lamium galeobdolon
Colors Brown
Shapes 4-parted schizocarp
Yellow Archangel is scientifically known as golden dead nettle or yellow archangel, is a stoloniferous spreading perennial of mint family having opposite leaves and square stems which grows to 9 to 15 inches tall but spread by stem fragments, rooting at nodes and spread to 18 inches wide. It is inherent to shaded woodlands, thickets, copses throughout much of Europe and Western Asia. It is introduced to parts of U.S. escaping to wild where it persists and spread as a weed. It forms a loose mat of foliage spreading indefinitely. Flowers are small, two lipped, tubular and asymmetrical in 2 to 10 flowered verticillasters on short axillary stalks in late spring. Flower has some reddish to brown markings on lower lip. Stems are erect, toothed, cordate based, ovate to rounded with medium to dark green leaves measuring 1 to 3 inches long having pointed tips. Sometimes leaves are variegated having silver to gray markings.


It is a large leaved perennial plant having underground runners which grows to the height of 40 to 80 cm. Leaves are broadly ovate having cordate base and toothed margin. Leaves have purplish underside. Flowers form in whorls in terminal spike. Calyx is five lobed. Corolla is 15 to 25 mm long, yellow and petals are fused with long tube and two lips. Upper lip is hooded and lower lip has 3 similar sized lobes having central one triangular and streaked with orange. There are two long stamens and two short stamens. Carpels are fused and fruit is a four chambered schizocarp.


Flowers are small, yellow forming as whorls in leaf axils. It consists of five modified petals forming two lipped blood with pale yellow upper petals and yellow lower petals having orange to brown markings. Flower blooms in spring from April-June.


Stems are erect; four sided or square measuring 30 cm and grows to 60 cm tall. It has perennial stems producing stolons growing horizontally.


Leaves are oval to heart shaped having round toothed margins. It is variegated dark green in color with silver contour along outer margin. Typically yellow archangel is evergreen except in colder climates.

Medicinal uses:

Culinary uses





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