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10 Stressbusting Tips Every Student Should Know

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No matter what course you pick, you are bound to have periods where you feel stressed and under pressure. Whether you’re struggling with a module, having difficulty with coursework, or you have exams looming, you need to get in the best mindset possible to achieve the results you want.

While stress and anxiety are common, too much of it can negatively impact your mind and body, causing a decrease in productivity levels. So, to remain in control from start to finish and to get the grades you envisage, here are ten of the best stressbusting tips students should know.

Make Exercise a Priority

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do to combat stress. During your time as a student, your days will be taken up with coursework, seminars, and exams, which is why you need to find space to dedicate towards physical activity. Whether you enjoy running, swimming, playing sports, or prefer to exercise from home, there are numerous activities you can do both indoors and outdoors that will benefit your cardiovascular health and improve energy levels. Once you get into the habit of exercising, you will notice tons of benefits to both your mental and physical wellbeing.

Watch Your Diet

Research has proven that students learn better when they feed their bodies with the right nutrients and vitamins. Regardless of your age or lifestyle, try your best to avoid eating processed food. To get the best grades, you need to be fully focused and committed to your degree. So, make sure you pack your plate with lots of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables which will improve your alertness and help you process information quicker. If you struggle to eat healthily, making small adjustments to your diet is the way forward. Also, allow yourself to have treats from time to time, otherwise you’re more likely to revert to your old ways.

Find Methods to Calm Down

When you factor in the amount of work and learning you must do during your course, it’s normal for stress levels to spiral out of control. As you will be putting your full focus, money, and time into your course, the last thing you want is to graduate with poor grades. So, getting a handle on your stress and knowing which methods help keep your stress levels at bay is key for good health. There are lots of techniques that many students swear by, such as meditation, which can improve self-esteem and boost concentration.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

While there is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, if you’re the type of student who pushes things too far, too much alcohol can be damaging for your health and wellbeing. No one wants to deal with a bad hangover, especially if you have lectures to get to. So, watching how much you drink or giving up alcohol completely can do wonders for your mind and body. Radiant skin, better health, and more restful sleep are just some of the key benefits you can gain from giving up alcohol.

Limit Caffeine Consumption

Before sifting through a mountain of coursework or reading materials, many students arm themselves with a cup of coffee. While a cup of joe may help you in some ways, when it comes to relaxing and unwinding at night, your brain and body may not be ready to rest. It’s advised to reduce your caffeine consumption as much as you can. And try to avoid drinking coffee after 2pm. If you consume caffeine throughout the day, you will be at an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, digestive issues, and insomnia.

Talk to Friends and Family

When under stress and pressure, the last thing you should do is bottle up your emotions. If you have a support network of family and friends around you, don’t be afraid to let off steam and speak to them. No matter what problems you’re going through, your loved ones will be there to provide guidance and support. Knowing you have the backing of your family and friends can spur you on to keep going with your course.

Get Enough Sleep

A good night’s sleep is critical for doing well in your course. If you wake up feeling fatigued and rundown, trying to focus on your work may be more difficult than you imagine. If you’re the type of person who tosses and turns every night, there are lots of tips that can aid sleep, including controlling the temperature and environment of your bedroom.

Find a Study Space

You need to find an area in your home that you can separate from other rooms and use for studying only. If you have plenty of space, you may have a home office that you can use to keep on track with your learning. For those who have children or live with their partner, you must sit down and formulate a plan where you can study in a room without the fear of being disturbed. It can be difficult to resume learning if you are being interrupted, so you may need to lay out some ground rules before getting started.

Maintain a Social Life

While your sole goal will be to do well in your course, that’s not to say you can’t have a social life too. Having some time with your friends can be a great way to relieve stress, keep positive, and take your mind off education. Whether you go for a coffee catchup, head to the movies, or go to a bar, you must maintain a healthy social life alongside your learning to get the best grades.

Choose the Right Course

Finally, you must pick a course that is right for you. Many courses take years to complete, so if you aren’t happy with what you’re doing, you’re likely to get stressed and lose momentum. For instance, if you would like to become a midwife, you will need to check out online nurse midwifery programs that give you the credentials and experience needed to succeed. Before picking a course, make sure you read into the entry requirements and module content.

Whether a healthcare career is your calling, or you’re an entrepreneur who wants to go into the business world, making use of all the stressbusting tactics above and implementing them into your day to day life can help keep you focused and get the most out of your education.



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