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5 Benefits of Appetite Suppressants to know

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You’ll agree with me that losing weight can be a difficult task, but it’s not impossible. Millions of people around the world successfully lose weight every year. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using appetite suppressants. These are pills, foods, or supplements that help you feel full and reduce your desire to eat. In this blog post, we will discuss the 5 benefits of using appetite suppressants to help with your weight loss journey. Let’s get started:

5 Benefits of Appetite Suppressants

Benefit #1. Help to control your cravings

Controlling cravings is important because if you give in to them, you’re likely to overindulge and end up feeling guilty or regretful. Cravings are often a sign that your body needs something, whether it’s food, water, or vitamins and minerals. However, not all cravings are equal. Some cravings, like those for sugary or fatty foods, can be harmful to your health if you give in to them too often. This is where appetite suppressants come in. They help you control your cravings by making you feel fuller and reducing your desire to eat. Some appetite suppressants also contain ingredients that help to reduce the absorption of fat or carbohydrates, which can further help with weight loss. This leads us to…

Benefit #2. Appetite Suppressants are effective for weight loss

Every new year, millions of Americans make New Year’s resolutions; many of them tackle old objectives with new zeal and enthusiasm. According to a recent poll of American adults, one of the most prevalent New Year’s resolutions was to lose weight or get in shape.

In fact, in 2016, ten U.S. states reported that approximately 70 percent of their population was either overweight or obese, pointing to a significant public health crisis. As serious as weight loss needs to be taken – not just in the U.S – but worldwide. The solutions to this epidemic are often temporary or even dangerous. This is where appetite suppressants can help.

Several clinical studies have shown that appetite suppressants can help with weight loss. One study showed that participants who took appetite suppressants like Phentermine lost an average of 5% of their body weight over a period of 12 weeks. Phentermine is a stimulant and also weight loss drug which had been approved by the US FDA in 1959 with the brand name Ionamin. It is one of the most commonly prescribed appetite suppressants.

Besides the hundreds of studies and medical reviews – weight loss is the main reason why people take appetite suppressants. It’ll basically help decrease your food intake by making you feel fuller with smaller meals and also helps with cravings as we discussed in the previous point. All leading to weight loss over time. Next on the list of benefits is…

Benefit #3. Gives you balanced mood and energy levels 

Energy levels and mood are two integral parts of daily life that are often taken for granted. Good energy levels lead to an improved mood, which in turn can have a positive effect on productivity and overall wellness. When these factors are out of balance, it can be difficult to complete basic tasks and enjoy everyday activities.

When you take appetite suppressants, they help to regulate your energy levels and mood. This is because appetite suppressants contain ingredients that stimulate the nervous system, which can lead to an increase in energy and improved mood.

Some appetite suppressants also contain ingredients that have been shown to improve cognitive function and memory. This is important because it can help you stay focused on your weight loss goals and make better decisions about what you eat.

It’s a win-win situation – improved mood and energy levels with fewer cravings and the ability to make better food choices. For example, Appetite suppressants like Phentermine, Phendimetrazine, and Diethylpropion are known as CNS (central nervous system) stimulants.

These types of drugs affect norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain which are responsible for focus, energy, and mood.

Another one I recently discovered is Chromium Picolinate. It’s a nutritional supplement that reduces appetite and cravings by influencing the neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation and the regulation of eating behavior.

Benefit #4. Appetite Suppressants reduce fat accumulation

You see, when you’re always eating without a workout – your body never has a chance to burn fat. But when you take appetite suppressants, it essentially sends a signal to your body that you’re not hungry. So, your body starts to burn stored fat for energy instead of the food you just ate.

The thing is:

Excessive body fat, especially in the abdomen, is associated with a number of health risks, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Excessive body fat is bad for your health because it leads to insulin resistance. When you are insulin resistant, your body needs more and more insulin to keep your blood sugar levels under control. And over time, this can lead to serious health problems.

Excessive body fat is also linked with inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation may play a role in the development of diseases like heart disease and cancer.

So, by taking appetite suppressants and reducing your food intake – which makes your BMI body mass index) go down – you are essentially reducing your risk of developing these chronic diseases.

Benefit #5. Reduce stress and anxiety related to eating

Eating can be a stressful experience, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. You may feel like you’re constantly being watched or judged by others, which can lead to anxiety and stress.

This can make it difficult to stick to your diet and may even lead to binge eating.

Binge eating is a serious problem that can lead to weight gain and other health problems. It’s often triggered by stress or anxiety, and it can be difficult to control.

Appetite suppressants can help to reduce stress and anxiety related to eating by making you feel fuller and reducing your desire to eat. This can help you stick to your diet and avoid binge eating.

Some appetite suppressants also contain ingredients that help to reduce the absorption of fat or carbohydrates, which can further help with weight loss.

Types of Appetite Suppressants

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of appetite suppressants, let’s take a look at the different types of appetite suppressants available.

They include:

Some examples of appetite suppressant foods include:

Protein-rich foods: Research has shown that protein can help to reduce hunger and increase satiety. Some high-protein foods include eggs, fish, legumes, and nuts.

Fiber-rich foods: Foods that are high in fiber are generally more filling and can help to reduce hunger. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Water: Drinking water can help to reduce hunger by filling up the stomach. In one study, participants who drank water before a meal ate fewer calories than those who did not drink water.

Green tea: Green tea is rich in catechins, which are compounds that have been shown to increase satiety and reduce appetite. In addition to green teas, many other kinds of tea are believed to suppress appetite. Teas like black, green, white, and oolong are including in this category

Ginger: Ginger is a common ingredient in appetite suppressant supplements due to its hunger-reducing properties.

Examples of fruits that act as appetite suppressants are:

Grapefruit: This citrus fruit contains a compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which has been shown to reduce appetite.

Berries: Berries are rich in fiber and antioxidants, both of which can help to reduce hunger.

Apples: Apples contain pectin, a type of soluble fiber that has been shown to reduce hunger and promote fullness.

Avocados: Avocados are a good source of healthy fats, which can help to reduce hunger and promote satiety.

Chili peppers: Chili peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which has been shown to reduce appetite and increase fullness.

While appetite suppressant foods and fruits can help to reduce hunger, from my experience and research, I would say that they’re not as effective as some of the other options on this list.

That being said, they can still be helpful if used in combination with other appetite suppressants.

It is very important to remember that appetite suppressants should not be used as a replacement for healthy eating and portion control. Rather, they should be used as a tool to help you control your hunger so that you can make better food choices and achieve your weight loss goals.

Things to be aware of when using appetite suppressants

Truth be told, appetite suppressants can be helpful when used correctly, but there are also some potential risks and side effects to be aware of. Before starting any new weight loss regimen, it’s always best to speak with a healthcare professional to get their opinion and recommendations. Some things to keep in mind when using appetite suppressants include:

Potential side effects: Appetite suppressants are generally safe, but some people may experience side effects such as nausea, headaches, dry mouth, dizziness, stomach pain, heart rate, and constipation.

Possible interactions: Appetite suppressants can interact with other medications or supplements you’re taking. Be sure to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new weight loss regimen.

Dosage: It’s important to follow the recommended dosage when taking appetite suppressants. Overdosing can lead to serious side effects.

Legality: Some appetite suppressants are available over-the-counter or by prescription in some countries. Be sure to check the legal status of appetite suppressants in your country before purchasing them.


There you have it! These are just a few of the many benefits of appetite suppressants. If you are looking for an appetite suppressant that can help you reach your weight loss goals, there are a few different options to choose from.

All of the appetite suppressants on the market have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to do your research before making a decision. By taking the time to find the right appetite suppressant for you, and using it in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise plan, you should be able to achieve your weight loss goals in no time. Have you tried using an appetite suppressant to lose weight? What was your experience like?



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