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5 Things You Can do to Cultivate Strong Emotional Health

We live in a busy world where stress seems to lurk around every corner. While the body is designed to handle stress automatically, sometimes we experience overload. Too much stress takes a toll on our emotional health. Without strong emotional health, we’re more likely to experience lethargy, exhaustion, and get sick.


Here are 5 ways to maintain overall wellness by cultivating strong emotional wellbeing:


  1. Take care of your brain


The human brain is a fascinating and mysterious computer. Nobody fully understands how the brain works, but we do have a good idea of how to take care of our brains.


The human brain requires specific nutrients to function, including fat. Yes, the stuff you’ve been told to avoid your whole life is actually something your brain cannot function without. However, you can’t just chow down on some spare ribs and pork rinds and expect results. The type of fat you consume matters.


According to Harvard Health, various studies have concluded that consuming higher levels of monounsaturated fat greatly improves cognitive function. Monounsaturated fats include foods like olive oil, nuts, avocado, and MCT oil derived from coconuts. Experts aren’t exactly sure how fats affect brain function, but they speculate it might lower inflammation.


Either way, getting a good mix of the omega fatty acids DHA and EPA is essential to maintaining brain health. When your brain is healthy, your moods are stable, you feel good, and it’s easier to maintain a sense of emotional wellbeing.


  1. Don’t allow yourself to become bitter


Bitterness is one of the worst ways to sabotage your emotional wellbeing. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel bitter in situations where you feel wronged, but it can be managed. For example, if you start to feel bitter about something another person has done, talk to them immediately. Don’t sit on your feelings and allow the bitterness to fester; it will only get worse. If they’re unwilling to resolve the situation peacefully, it’s probably time to walk away.


If someone causes you physical harm, seek resolution through the court system. In most cases you have the right to recover compensation for your injuries. A good lawyer will make the process easy on you so you won’t have to stress about the unknown. If you don’t pursue legal action, you will regret inaction when your medical bills pile up and you’re stuck paying out of pocket. Marketwatch reported that money problems – specifically debt – is the number one source of stress for Americans. Pursuing justice when you’ve been injured is the best way to eliminate the stress of not being able to pay your bills and potentially having to file for bankruptcy.


  1. Reach out to people in your life


When you’re emotionally taxed, you might tend to go inward and push the world away. This can lead to feeling isolated and cut off from the world.


Train yourself to reach out to people whenever you feel depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed. Allow people to support you. There are people in your life who would feel honored to have the opportunity to support you emotionally and physically.


  1. Practice mindfulness


Being mindful is often associated with meditation, but you don’t need to meditate to be mindful. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and aware of where you are and what you’re doing.


You can practice mindfulness every waking moment of your day if you choose. The idea is to be present with what is, rather than getting engulfed in the stories your mind repeats about all the dramas in your life. For example, if you’re eating breakfast at a nice restaurant with your spouse, be present with your spouse. Don’t allow your mind to wander into the past or future to worry about something that isn’t happening in that moment.


If you’re willing to make time for mindfulness meditation, you’ll find this practice especially soothing. Through meditating, you’ll train yourself to stop the long train of thoughts that speed through your mind and create constant stress.


  1. Know when to take a break


Breaks are crucial for maintaining emotional wellbeing. We all need breaks periodically. You might need a vacation from work or time away from your kids and spouse. You might need a break from social media. Whatever you need a break from, make sure you work it into your busy schedule. The world will still be here when you get back.



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