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5 Things You Can Do to Look After Your Health

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Health is very precious, without it, everything else can be a real struggle. While genetics will play a role in certain aspects of our health, there are plenty of things we can do to keep our health on the straight and narrow.

If you are wondering what you can be doing to look after your health better, take a look at this guide for some inspiration.

Get Your Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are the very building blocks our body uses for our health, so it is important that we are getting these in everything we eat. Some foods are more nutrient-rich than others, so making carefully calculated choices to allow your body to receive the nutrition it needs is essential in keeping your body functioning well and as it should.

If you think you are lacking in certain vitamins and minerals, you should go and get a check-up with a medical professional. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause significant problems in the body and should be rectified immediately.

Food groups to include in your diet are fruit, vegetables, dairy, grains, and meat to allow you to get a well-rounded, balanced nutritional profile. If you find you are allergic or intolerant to any of these, there will be substitutes, and it might be worth consulting a nutritionist for more guidance.

Make Sure to Move Your Body

Exercise is absolutely vital for our body to be running at an optimum. Without it, all sorts of problems can occur, and our health will deteriorate. Depending on age and ability, the impact of exercise that someone will be able to do may vary, but generally speaking, there are some great adaptations to many exercises and sports that someone can try.

Walking will always be recommended as a simple and efficient exercise for improving health. It can use all of the muscle groups, making it a comprehensive choice, and it can get you out in the fresh air. Swimming is great for those who require low-impact exercise as it is much easier on the joints. Cycling can be a great means of transportation and also give your body a significant workout too. Whatever you choose, as long as it gets your heart pumping and you incorporate something with resistance, your body will thank you.

It is worth noting that both of these factors are important because these two different types of exercise do different things for the body. Cardio, which is short for cardiovascular training, is important for our… you guessed it, cardiovascular system. This is our heart, blood vessels, and blood – very vital components to our health! Resistance training also targets our cardiovascular system but targets the muscles too, which can help avoid shrinkage and wastage. This is important for maintaining strength, agility, and a healthy metabolism.

Make Sure to Get Fresh Air

Getting out in the fresh air is not just important for our mental health – it is vital for our physical health too. We need fresh oxygen regularly circulating for our body to be working at its best. If you sit in the same room all day without any windows or doors open, eventually that air quality diminishes, and that depleted oxygen can make us fatigued and irritable.

This can happen for those who are bedbound or are not very mobile, so make sure to have the windows open at intervals throughout the day to top up your oxygen supply.

Other benefits of getting fresh air include increased energy, improved digestion, and a boosted immune system.

Have Regular Health Check-ups

Prevention is always better than cure, so investing in your health by having regular health check-ups, especially if you have any chronic health issues, can help you in the long run. Spotting an issue before it gets worse can not only save your health, but it can also save you time and money. Consider AWV solutions for a scheduled annual wellness visit to make sure you are healthy and happy.

Focus On Sleep Hygiene

Quality sleep is absolutely essential to our health; there is no way around it, which is why it needs to be made a priority by everyone who is wanting to put their health first.

Even one night of disturbed sleep can affect many factors of your health. While sleepiness is something many of us are very acquainted with, you can also experience a weakened immune system, mood swings and irritability, poor decision-making skills, and decreased concentration, just to name a few – and that is all from one night!

If you generally have an irregular sleeping pattern or consistent sleep issues, this can have extremely detrimental effects both short-term and long-term, so it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Health conditions that can be caused by long-term sleep issues include, but are not limited to, stroke, heart disease, depression, anxiety, obesity, and diabetes, to name a few.

If you find that your sleeping pattern is not everything it should be, it is best to start making the necessary adjustments to make sure you can follow a routine as best you can. A few ways you can get started include slowly adjusting your bedtime and wake-up time. Do not immediately decide to wake up at 6 am the next day no matter how much sleep you have had, as this is a recipe for immediate failure. Try going to bed an hour earlier, then waking up half an hour earlier than usual. Keep this pattern until you are happy you have a schedule that works for you.

Do not forget to limit your screen time before you go to bed either, as the blue light can interfere with the brain’s signals that allow you to get sleepy, telling you that you are ready for bed. Avoiding stimulants such as coffee, tea, and alcohol a few hours before can also help improve your sleep quality. Remember, it is not just about how many hours of sleep you get – but the quality of sleep you get too.



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