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5 Vitamins You Should Take To Fight Fatigue

Do you constantly feel nagging tiredness eating away at you? If you find yourself snoozing on the couch at midday or unrefreshed after a good night’s sleep – it’s time to take action. 

It’s always best to consult medical experts if you are experiencing chronic fatigue. Professionals can tell you if there’s an underlying cause to the symptoms you’re experiencing. According to this Wakefield orthopedic surgery center, even small issues like trouble balancing can be signs of serious issues throughout the body. 

However, you can also make some small changes to your diet to fight off fatigue. All you may need is one of these five vitamins to feel more refreshed every morning and energetic through the afternoons.

1. Vitamin B12

Without enough B12 in your diet, you will feel weak and tired. That’s because Vitamin B12 is responsible for making sure red blood cells carry oxygen around your body and to your brain, which is our main provider of energy.

If you have a B12 deficiency, you may experience:

And, of course, trouble sleeping and staying awake. Why not try adding a supplement of B12 to your diet and see if you feel less tired? The amount you need is dependent on your age and pregnant women may also need more B12. You can also find yourself deficient in this nutrient if you have had weight-loss surgery or drink alcohol in large amounts. 

Vitamin B12 can be found naturally in foods like beef, chicken, eggs, and liver. You can also eat fortified foods like milk and cereal for a B12 boost.

2. Iron

A lack of iron in the diet can cause you to feel weak and exhausted. This is because your body needs iron for growth, development and to ensure red blood cells travel through the body to your brain. If your brain doesn’t receive enough iron, it can mean you might have difficulty focusing and experience brain fog too.

Some good ways to make sure you have enough iron are to eat red meat, beans, and nuts. These are some of the richest sources of iron, and the easiest way to become iron deficient is by not eating a healthy and balanced diet. Vegetarians may find they naturally lack iron and need to make sure they double up on beans and nuts to ensure they’re eating the correct amount.

If you’re feeling fatigued, an iron supplement can help you rectify this deficiency. However, if you think you’re having excessive amounts of iron, it’s important to consult your doctor. 

3. Magnesium

If you find yourself feeling tired and fatigued due to a lack of sleep, then magnesium could be the right supplement for you. Magnesium works to help your body relax and soothe you into a restful mindset, ensuring you get improved sleep throughout the night.

Magnesium partakes in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body, so it’s crucial to everyday bodily processes. Most people in the US today have a magnesium deficiency. 

Some excellent sources of magnesium can be found in: 

This is also an ideal supplement if you find that your work or life is stressful, as magnesium reduces stress too. While it’s best to ensure you gain your vitamin intake naturally through food, it’s advisable to take a supplement if you cannot get your daily dose of magnesium through food.

4. Rhodiola

Rhodiola, or Rhodiola rosea, is an old supplement used across Asia and many parts of Eastern Europe for a long time. It grows well in dry, cold conditions and was originally from Siberia. 

This supplement is ideal for making you feel more alert and fighting off that feeling of tiredness and fatigue. It can also improve your mood, so you feel more ready to interact with others throughout the day. People often take it to fight depression and anxiety or before a social gathering to calm nerves. This is also a great option if you find yourself exhausted following physical activity, as it can improve your recovery time. 

We recommend taking Rhodiola on an empty stomach in the morning before you eat. That way, you can take advantage of all the powerful energy it can provide throughout the day. However, if you take it at night, you risk compromising your sleep, as it has a stimulating effect. 

5. Ashwagandha

Looking for some reducing the chronic stress that weighs you down? Ashwagandha is thought to increase energy levels and decrease cortisol release, which is the chemical in your body responsible for triggering your body’s fight-or-flight instincts. Ashwagandha blocks a pathway in the brain and impacts cortisol chemical signaling to make you less stressed. You might feel more relaxed and less tired as a result. 

It is important to take other steps to manage your stress,  such as yoga or meditation. However, this supplement can be added to your diet and help you improve your lifestyle. Loyal users swear it: 

People who have stress-related insomnia have found that this supplement improves their sleep. 

There’s not a whole lot of research into Ashwagandha. However, it is safe for most people and widely available to try. Adding this supplement to your life might prove to be an easy way to improve your quality of life, make you feel stronger, and fight that nagging feeling of chronic fatigue.

Try These Vitamins Today

If you find yourself falling asleep at your desk or struggling to open your eyes in the morning, try one of these five vitamin supplements and see how it helps your day-to-day life. You might feel more energetic and even ready to take on the world with just one dose every morning.

While it is best to absorb these vitamins as naturally as possible through food and drinks, this isn’t always possible. Make sure you get the correct dosage you need to let your body perform at its best.



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