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6 Things to know about obsessive-compulsive disorder

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic condition that results in unwanted thoughts, uncontrollable feelings, and recurring fears. These are obsessions that can cause a lot of anxiety. Mostly affecting kids, OCD obsessions cause fear in kids that they can’t stop thinking about. Most of these fears and thoughts normally don’t make sense and they can cause a lot of anxiety towards various things.

Compulsions which are behaviors that kids with OCD do repeatedly are normally able to treat the disorder. These rituals ensure that things stay clean, safe and in order as well as prevent bad things from happening. Below are 6 things to know about OCD.

OCD diagnosis

Early diagnosis of OCD is a great relief to both kids as well as the parents. For you to diagnose OCD, you will first need to set an appointment with a child psychologist or psychiatrist. The doctor will then interview you and your kid to find out more about the condition. The interview may entail filling out checklists and questionnaires which will help the psychologist or psychiatrist to make a proper diagnosis. Normally there are no lab tests involved in the diagnosis.

OCD treatment

With the right attention and care, OCD can get better and be treated. Medicines like SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and therapy are effective for people who suffer from OCD for them to live a normal life. By undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy, where kids learn more about OCD to understand it better, therapists can treat the condition.

The kids will learn the different ways to face fears, how to cope with them to help them recover. OCD treatment also involves the coaching of parents to enable them to help their kids get better. Parents with kids suffering from OCD can learn how to respond to OCD situations, and how to support them.

People with OCD can be happy

People with OCD don’t need to be affected by the condition to the extent of disrupting their lives. With the treatment options available, those with OCD can overcome their obsessions and shift their focus to living a rewarding and healthy life.

There’s a difference between OCD in adults and kids

OCD in adults is not the same as in kids since kids may not be able to realize the reason for their unusual behavior or thoughts. The parents have to talk with their kid(s) about the condition and offer the love and support they need by taking part in their child’s therapy. This reassures your child that they will get better.

There’s more to OCD than being clean

It is not true that if someone has OCD, they will be extremely clean and each person experiences obsessions that are unique to them. However, some obsessions and compulsions surround cleanliness, for example, compulsive hand-washing in those who obsess over germs, while others do not.

It affects both men and women

Both male and females can equally develop OCD, but males are more likely to develop OCD during childhood. This occurs mostly during late adolescence and the moment you reach early adulthood, the risk of developing OCD lowers.

Many scientists don’t yet know why people get OCD though some biological factors play a role. Though OCD is chronic and there’s no cure, you can get it under control and recover from it. Learn how to effectively live a life with a lesser risk of relapse by getting help at



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