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6 Things to Know if You’re Thinking of Getting Lip Fillers

By now, most of us have been introduced, in one way or another, to the wonder of lip fillers. Lip fillers are done by injecting a dermal filler in or around your lips to give them a different shape, volume, or both. If you’re reading this, then chances are you’re thinking about undergoing a lip augmentation procedure. While it’s a relatively easy procedure with no downtime required, it’s important to know a few points first. Before getting lip fillers, make sure you’re aware of these 6 things. 

1. What Are Lip Fillers Made of?

It stands to reason that you should be aware of what goes into your body before accepting any kind of foreign material. Throughout the history of lip fillers, different kinds of dermal fillers have been used to accomplish the process. Let’s go through these substances briefly, shall we?

2. How to Choose the Right Lip Filler?

So how can you choose the right lip filler? The certified beauty specialists from James Christian Cosmetics recommend that you identify your needs first. While any dermal filler can do the job, it’s better to choose one that’s specifically designed to fulfill your needs. You’ll want to decide on whether you want to add more volume to your lips, change their shape, or smooth out surrounding wrinkles. Maybe you want to do all of the above, which will require using more than one kind of dermal filler. Make sure to do your research and compare the different brands and the products they offer. 

3. How Does the Procedure Go?

The lip augmentation procedure is quite simple and quick, often described as a lunchtime procedure. If you haven’t had this talk with your surgeon yet, then they’ll start your appointment by discussing what you expect and reaching a middle ground with you on the results. Next, they’ll commence with the procedure. They’ll use a whiteboard marker to mark the area into which they’ll inject the dermal filler. It’s common to numb your lips before injecting the dermal filler using a local anesthetic to prevent you from feeling any pain. However, the pain is relatively mild, so you can go without an anesthetic if you don’t want to see any additional swelling. Finally, they’ll inject the dermal filler into the marked areas.  Sometimes, especially in the case of adding too much volume, you may have to finish the procedure in a few more appointments. 

4. What to Expect After Getting a Lip Filler Procedure?

So you’re done with the procedure. What should I expect now? We’ll start with what not to expect, and that’s a perfect shape and volume. It’s very common to witness swelling and experience bruising right after the procedure, but everything should settle within 48 hours maximum. You should freak out if you feel some lumps in your lips either; they should resolve on their own in a couple of days as well. If you’re too bothered, you can ask the technician to correct them. 

It’s important to realize that, as we’ve mentioned, lip fillers aren’t permanent solutions. Some dermal fillers last from 4 to 6 months, while others can last up to 12 months. Make sure you’ve discussed the duration with your surgeon.

5. Choosing the Surgeon Makes a World of Difference.

Perhaps the most important thing you should know is the qualifications of the surgeon who’ll be doing the procedure. Although it’s a lunchtime procedure and all, you want to get the result you’re looking for. You don’t want to be the test subject of someone undergoing training or someone who lacks the experience needed to fix your lines flawlessly. On a more serious note, unqualified technicians may result in serious risks you’d want to avoid. 

To make sure the one you’re choosing is qualified enough to carry out this procedure, you’ll want to choose a Plastic Surgeon, a Dermatologist specialized in lip augmentation, or a Cosmetic Facial Surgeon. Even then, you’ll want to do some more research about the physician. It’s important to contact them beforehand and about their board-certification, the number of injections they’ve made so far, and if they can provide before and after pictures for their previous cases. 

6. Lip Filler Aren’t for Everyone.

Unfortunately, even this simple procedure isn’t just for everyone. People suffering from current or chronic medical conditions should seek their primary care physician’s advice first before undergoing this procedure. Generally, serious complications and side effects can be expected in the case of the following conditions:

Alternatively, people free from these conditions may still experience some side effects. The normal and mild side effects that resolve on their include bruising, swelling, injection-site bleeding, redness, and tenderness. However, more serious side effects may include the following:

As exciting as getting your lips done can be, you should make sure to fully understand the procedure and what it involves beforehand. So, take your time to explore your options, research certified physicians, and understand what to expect.



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