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7 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Weight loss does not only help you to keep fit but also reduces the risk of some severe health conditions. However, losing weight is easier said than done. We are living in a world where obesity is viewed as a moral failing. People with obesity face stigmatization, and therefore, they struggle to keep fit. Managing your weight is not a walk in the park. It is a rigorous process that needs you to be very keen on how you live and what you put in your mouth. We are dwelling in a toxic food environment where we drown in a sea of sugary foods and calories.

Due to anxiety and many expectations in this field, there is always a new weight loss trend selling every month. No one wants to be associated with obesity, and everyone is burning the midnight oil to lose at least a kilo. Here are several ways to lose weight without dieting.

  1. Eat Plenty of Fresh Produce

Eat more of farm produce such as fruits and vegetables. These kinds of foods typically have a low-calorie content. Also, avoid eating too much meat. Instead, substitute meat with a pile of greens. For better results, replace your lunch plate with a vegetable salad or a bowl of broth soup. Stock your kitchen with plenty of fruits and ensure you accompany your meals and snacks with fruit.

  1. Trim Your Portion Sizes

Give your body what it needs. Most meals served in homes and restaurants are more than your body needs. Reduce your share by up to 20%, and you will start losing weight. To measure your portion effectively, you can opt to replace your utensils with small cups, bowls, and plates.

  1. Eat More Protein

Ensure every meal and snack you take contains proteins. Adding a low fat or lean protein to your plate will make you feel full for a longer time. Small portions of nuts, low-fat yogurt, eggs, beans, peanut butter, and lean meat are some of the familiar sources of lean proteins that you need to stay full longer. In addition, taking small frequent meals can immensely help to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

  1. Take Breakfast Every Day

In contrary to what many people think, eating breakfast every day contributes much to losing weight. When you skip your breakfast, you tend to eat more throughout the day. Studies show that people who take breakfast every day perform better in their daily activities in comparison to breakfast skippers. For better results, choose whole-grain cereals accompanied by fruits for a nutritious start to your day.

  1. Stay Away from Your Kitchen at Night

 Develop a habit of sitting to eat at a particular time each night. Avoid snacks and late-night munchies, especially when watching television. If you must, take something lighter after dinner such as a cup of tea, a bowl of ice cream, or a piece of hard candy. After eating the snack, brush your teeth and refrain from taking anything else.

  1. Exercise Daily

The NHS advises adults to do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of intense exercise, per week. You can exercise at any time of the day, and the more you increase the duration, the better. However, there are a couple of advantages to exercising when on an empty stomach. Typically, this means you should optimize your exercising time before breakfast. To be more active during the day, you can opt to take your dog for a walk or jog for a while before grabbing dinner.

  1. Weight Loss Medication

If the change of lifestyle is not yielding the expected results, your doctor may find it prudent to prescribe medication to aid in weight control. Weight loss medicine works in various ways. They may work by making you full sooner or less hungry, or make it more difficult for your body to absorb fats and calories from the food you eat.



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