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Best foods to eat After Laparoscopic Surgery

Surgeries tend to induce anxiety in people. So it helps calm patients what to expect after surgery. Presently, keyhole or laparoscopic surgery is the most preferred technique to heal diseases such as hernia, gallbladder stones, anti-reflux, hysterectomy or even weight loss surgeries. It is carried out by making small incisions in the abdominal area. A high-resolution video camera known as a laparoscope is inserted through one incision. Watching the images of the camera helps the surgeon in moving the tools inside the abdomen inserted through other incisions previously made.

Procedure of a laparoscopic surgery

The person undergoing laparoscopic treatment to treat any of the diseases such as hernia, gallbladder stone, weight-loss, appendicitis, achalasia cardia, hysterectomy, small intestinal or large intestinal diseases are injected with anesthesia before the procedure so that they are not awake or able to feel any pain during the procedure.

After giving them the anesthesia, a surgeon inserts a needle into the abdomen and then injects CO2 into the abdomen to inflate it which makes it easier for doctors to see the organs and structures inside the abdominal cavity.

After that, the doctor removes the needle and inserts a small camera known as a laparoscope through a tiny incision known as a port. Then the doctor makes a second incision and inserts another small tool called a probe. With the camera, the doctor examines the internal structures in the abdomen while they use the probe to move or lift organs out of the way.

Food to eat after laparoscopic surgery

The advantages of this type of operation are that these are not time-consuming, laparoscopic treatment are daycare procedures which means patients can go home the same day after the surgery. It ensures easy and quick recovery, it’s a painless and scarless surgery and the risk of complications is minimal. Patients take not more than a week to recover completely. The person undergoing a laparoscopic treatment has to be careful of their diet and how they are going to cope with different types of foods.

Start with liquid foods

On the direction of their physicians, patients can progress with their diet. Once patients are on full liquids, they will have more options to choose from. Foods for this phase that should be included in the diet are all foods from the clear liquid phase such as broth or soups, with the addition of foods such as yogurt, sherbet, milk, pudding, custard, strained creamy soups and cream of rice cereal. Food with nuts and seeds should be completely avoided. If someone is lactose intolerant, lactose-free options should be chosen. The consistency of foods during this phase must be smooth.

 Progress  to Soft Foods

Before going back to a normal diet, it is better to consult with physicians. Doctors ask their patients to slowly progress to soft foods. Foods consumed in this phase need to be soft in consistency. Soft consistency can be achieved by making a puree of the food. The best options are-

In order to reduce digestive discomfort, eating citrus fruits and gas-producing foods such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts should be avoided.

Transit  to a Regular Diet

If the digestive system has returned to its normal stage of functioning the patient can return to their regular. Depending on the type of laparoscopy the patient has undergone, he or she may go through only one or all of three dietary phases. For instance, after a woman has undergone laparoscopy for endometriosis, she’ll usually have a light liquid diet the first day after the procedure and the second day returns to her normal diet. Procedures that include the repair of the digestive tract may require the consumption of easy-to-digest foods for a longer time.

Take small bites and avoid high-fat foods to reduce the complications of transitioning to a regular diet. Some medications prescribed for reducing abdominal pain can cause constipation, drinking enough fluids to keep bowel movement smooth helps. Following the physician’s diet orders strictly after a laparoscopic procedure assure faster healing of the wound.

Pristyn Care enlists the advantages of laparoscopic treatment that there is a reduced risk of bleeding, less painful healing process, reduced chances of scarring and reduced risk of infection. It is recommended to eat light food and to drink lots of water (around 1.5-2 liters) after laparoscopic treatment. For faster healing of the wound from laparoscopic surgery, avoid food with added sugar,  processed foods or alcohol. No matter what are the restrictions, the list of food mentioned above will benefit the patients in the following ways: faster healing process, decreased risk of infection and increase their energy and strength.



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