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Cantaloupe juice health benefits

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Cantaloupe explicitly refers to all the members of the melon family, including rock melon and sweet melon. It has about 85 to 90 % of water in it, so there is no way it can be harmful to you. It is used for the treatment of cancer and dietary issues as well as malnutrition. If you want to seek further information regarding its benefits, see the data collected from the If you want to seek further information regarding its benefits, see the data collected from

Juicing is a very interesting way of nutrition yourself. If you do not like to eat something, but it is beneficial for your health, try making its juice. As the food is converted from solid to liquid form, it becomes easy to digest. Drinking any type of juice refreshes you instantly. So better make juice and include healthy things in your diet instead of skipping them due to taste or color. 

Cantaloupe is also very beneficial as it boosts your immune system. It is also a very rich source of vitamins and C. Other components are folic acid, iron, zinc, and copper. It is complete nutrition in itself and fulfills your water needs almost instantly. It burns cholesterol and has zero cholesterol in it, making it fit for dieting and weight loss purposes.

How to make cantaloupe juice?

There are certain things to keep in mind before making a cantaloupe juice.

Now, to make a cantaloupe juice, wash it thoroughly and then cut it into two halves. Now remove its seeds and make it hollow from inside. Try not to wash it again and again. Now cut the cantaloupe into as small pieces as you can. Put them in your juicer machine. Add half a cup of water to aid the grinding process. The water can be hot or cold according to your choice. Keep mixing until a fine juice is formed. Drink it instantly.

Why is it essential?

The reason why cantaloupe is essential is simple, it is a healthy diet source, boosts the immune system, regulates body metabolism, helps in fighting cancer, reduces water deficiencies, so it keeps you healthy. Why not take it. It can also be eaten but making juice is always a better option because being a liquid, it is digested easily and is readily available for your body needs.

Potassium Protection

When you think of cantaloupe, you probably imagine a shimmering wedge of pale orange fruit next to a bowl of cereal. But if your blood pressure is rising, you may find yourself wanting cantaloupe away from the breakfast table, too.  Cantaloupe is great source of potassium, a mineral that can help lower blood pressure, says George Webb, Ph.D., associate professor of physiology and biophysics at the University of Vermont College of Medicine in Burlington.

Haifa cantaloupe contains 825 milligrams of potassium, or 24 per- cent of the Daily Value (DV). “You get more potassium by eating half a cantaloupe than you do by eating a banana,” says Dr. Webb.

The body uses potassium to help eliminate excess sodium, which in large amounts can cause blood pressure to rise, says Dr. Webb. The more potassium you eat, the more sodium you lose and the lower your blood pressure is likely to be. This is particularly true in people who are sensitive to salt, he says.

In a large international study of more than 10,000 people, re- searchers found that those with the highest levels of potassium had the lowest blood pressures. Those with the least potassium, on the other hand, were more likely to have higher blood pressures. In addition, studies show that potassium may help keep the body’s low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol the dangerous kind from undergoing chemical changes that cause it to stick to artery walls. “There’s evidence that a high-potassium diet tends to lower LDL cholesterol and raise good’ HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol,” says Dr. Webb. Potassium may also help thwart hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and the formation of blood clots that can trigger heart attack and stroke.

The Dynamic Duo

As we mentioned earlier, cantaloupe is a rich source of two potent antioxidants, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Antioxidants are compounds that neutralize free radicals cell-damaging molecules that occur naturally and that are thought to cause cellular changes that can lead to heart disease, cancer, and cataracts.

Like potassium, vitamin C helps keep the arteries clear and blood moving smoothly by preventing LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and gumming up the artery walls. The body also uses vitamin C for producing collagen, a protein that makes up skin and connective tissue. Cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamin C, with 1 cup containing 68 milligrams, 113 percent of the DV. Cantaloupe is also a good source of beta-carotene, which fights heart dis- ease and cancer. Half a cantaloupe provides 5 milligrams of beta-carotene about half of the daily amount recommended by most experts.

  1. Cantaloupe is a rich source of beta carotene. Its component is higher in cantaloupe than mangoes, lemon, and grapefruit. Beta carotene is an essential source of vitamin A which acts to help immunity, in the production of useful blood cells, and for protection against diseases.
  2. It is a rich source of vitamin C. studies have suggested that vitamin C protects from diseases like cancer and asthma. So, adding a glass of cantaloupe juice to your diet can protect you from such serious diseases. Vitamin C also helps in bone and muscle development.
  3. Cantaloupe fulfills water requirements as it has 85 to 90% of water in it. It is beneficial to cure severe dehydration. It helps to regulate the proper functioning of kidneys, cure urinal diseases, and avoids constipation. It helps really well in case of constipation.
  4. Cantaloupe is helpful in preventing common diseases like high blood pressure, common colds, and flu, and even heart diseases as it improves immunity and controls the water component of blood.
  5. Along with health, it also takes care of your beauty. Drinking cantaloupe juice makes your skin fresh and young. It helps to cure dry skin issues and hair fall issues.
  6. It is extremely beneficial for pregnant women due to the folic acid present in it.

Getting the Most

Buy them ripe: The riper the cantaloupe, the more beta-carotene it contains, says Dr. Erdman. To check for ripeness in the store, put cantaloupes to the “heft-and-sniff test.” Heft the fruit to make sure that it’s heavy for its size. Then smell it to make sure that it exudes a sweet, musky perfume. If there’s no smell, put it down and try another.

Eat it quickly: Vitamin C degrades quickly when exposed to air, so it’s important to eat cantaloupe fairly soon after cutting, says Dr. Erdman. This is especially true when the fruit is cut into small pieces, which substantially increases the amount of air to which it’s exposed.




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