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Composite Benefits and Nutrition-All you Should Know

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We all desire to have that attractive dental look, and there are various ways to achieve this. The common dental enhancement procedures include porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, composite bonding, or teeth straightening. Composite bonding is pretty common and is a sought-after procedure by many. It is associated with many benefits, and there is much to know about it.

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding is a medical practice that improves your smile by using tooth-colored composite resin. This procedure can cover gaps, repair chips, and alter teeth size, shape, and color. Dental bonding can be reversed, unlike other restorative dentistry, like porcelain veneers. 

Benefits of composite bonding

Composite bonding is a quick procedure that can improve your smile in less than an hour. The process is an excellent choice for special occasions, even though it is not as long-lasting as veneers. Below are the key advantages of the procedure.

1. Safe and secure

Composite bonding is safe and doesn’t employ dangerous chemicals or substances that can hurt your lips or teeth. During the procedure, your teeth only need minor preparation. Therefore, the dentist can discontinue the therapy without harming your teeth. Your enamel’s protective layer stays secure and unbroken, thanks to the minimal preparation required for composite bonding. 

2. Transforms your smile

Composite bonding therapy offers a natural way to improve your smile. It involves using composite resin that matches the natural color of your teeth. The procedure results in a healthier, brighter, and more attractive smile! That’s not all; it’s ideal for minor dental defects like:

  1. Stained/discolored teeth
  2. Gaps between the teeth

iii. Misshapen teeth

  1. Tooth decay
  2. Cracked teeth

3. Painless

Since composite bonding is a non-invasive procedure, no drilling or injection is required, and there is no pain or discomfort afterward. The majority of dental bonding operations can be completed without anesthesia. All procedures are performed painlessly, and dentists take time with each process to ensure you are relaxed. 

4. Long-lasting

Composite bonding can last between five and ten years if you take good care of your teeth and maintain regular checkups. However, composite bonding can deteriorate with time, and it’s essential to brush your teeth regularly and visit the dentist for checkups often.

Foods and habits to avoid after composite bonding

The cost of dental bonding varies from one clinic to another but can be costly. It’s advisable to take excellent care of your teeth and steer off certain behaviors and foods to keep. The good thing about this is that you can avoid some foods and minimize the risk of teeth discoloration. These include;

How to choose the best composite bonding clinic

When it comes to the aesthetics of your teeth, getting composite bonding is vital. However, you should select a trusted high-end clinic that is safe. Your region can have various clinics, but some might not meet your requirements. Here are some recommendations for the best dental bonding clinics in your area. 

Final thoughts

Composite bonding is a great way to improve your smile. However, it’s imperative to always guard the bonded tooth against damage. Maintain good oral hygiene to ensure that your investment in dental bonding is worthwhile. To get excellent bonding services from a reputed clinic and be keen on your choice of dentist. Remember, the success of your procedure will depend on how your best care for your teeth, so focus on proper nutrition and avoid foods that will discolor your teeth.



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