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Daily Habits for a Good-Spirit: How to Start Your Day Right


Trying new things, such as ice-skating, can lead to personal growth and happiness. Listening to music has been shown to lower stress and improve mental and emotional health, especially if it’s your favorite kind of music. Learning to say “no” to people who drain your energy can be empowering and lead to more respect from others. Singing, whether alone or in a group, can boost serotonin levels and lower stress, making you feel better and more relaxed.

Spending time with a pet or even a furry toy can reduce stress and increase endorphins, the brain’s “feel-good” hormones. Drumming can be a fun and effective way to get rid of bad thoughts and improve mood, and joining a drumming group can provide extra benefits such as company and energy. By trying these different methods, we can improve our mental and emotional health in fun and enjoyable ways.

Attempt ice-skating

German research suggests that stepping out of one’s comfort zone and trying something new, even if it’s scary or uncomfortable at first, can lead to more happiness. Trying new things can be both fun and freeing, and there are many things you haven’t done yet that are worth trying. You might take a chance by wearing something you’ve never worn before or by trying something new, like going to the opera or starting a new sport. By trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone, you may find new interests and improve your life in ways you didn’t expect. Even though taking chances can be scary, they can be worth it if they lead to personal growth and happiness.

Listen music

Poets have been praising the healing power of music for hundreds of years, writing about how it “calms the mind and gives it rest.” Now, study has shown that listening to music often is good for your health and well-being as a whole. Music can make you feel good and lower your stress, which is good for your health in many ways. One study found that people who listened to their favorite music were less stressed than those who listened to music picked by someone else or didn’t listen to music at all. This shows that listening to music is a good way to deal with stress and improve your mental and emotional health. As more study is done, we may keep finding more ways that music is good for our health and makes our lives better.

Just refuse

You might think that if you always say “yes,” you’ll be happy, but you might be wrong. You might feel better if you learned to say “no” to people who drain your energy or ask you to do things that aren’t in your best interests. Even if you say no, you can still be a good friend. And if you stay true to yourself, people are likely to respect you even more. If you’re in a setting that isn’t making your life better, just say “no.”

Use your voice

Think about times when you felt happy while screaming at the top of your lungs in front of a crowd, like at a choir performance or a sporting event, and how that feeling stayed with you. This is easy to do at home, whether you have a great speaking voice or can’t hear music at all. If you are willing to put in some real work, you could also think about joining a band. No matter how you do it, singing can be a great way to make you feel better and lift your spirits. Singing has been shown to make serotonin and lower stress, which makes people feel better and more relaxed. So the next time you’re feeling down or need a pick-me-up, try singing your heart out and see how it makes you feel.

Cherish your goldfish


Researchers at the University of New York have found that spending time with a pet can help reduce stress more than talking about problems with family or friends. Petting a dog or cat or even just watching fish swim in a tank makes the body make endorphins, which are the brain’s “feel-good” hormones, and lowers the stress hormone cortisol. If you want to feel calm and relaxed, spending time with your pet can be a great way to do so. And if you don’t have a pet, you could try touching a furry toy. Surprisingly, this can have the same effect. By spending time with animals, we can take advantage of the healing effects they have on us and feel better generally.

Play the bongos

Banging on a drum can be a fun and effective way to get rid of bad thoughts and get in a better mood. Researchers think that drumming relaxes the body and that the movements of the sound can make you feel better. You can get the same effect by tapping on a kitchen table, but joining a weekly drumming group may be an even better way to feel better. The company of a group can give you an extra mood boost, and drumming with other people can be both energizing and uplifting. Whether you’re an experienced drummer or just starting out, learning more about drumming can be a fun and healthy way to improve your mental and emotional health.

Down some Adam’s ale

Did you know that drinking water when you’re sad can actually make you feel better? Aside from getting rid of headaches caused by being dehydrated, drinking a lot of water every day can help flush out toxins and plump up cells, making you look and feel healthy. Here are some specific things you can do to stay hydrated and feel better:

You can help your general health and well-being and boost your mood by making sure you drink enough water every day and trying out different flavor combinations.

Get away from everything

Researchers from the University of Michigan did a study that showed that people with heart conditions who went on a four-day spiritual vacation felt better right away. Some of the activities at the retreat were writing in a diary, meditating, drumming, guided imagery, and doing things outside. If you’re feeling down, you might want to find a free weekend or even a week to book a retreat and see how it affects your mood and view on life as a whole. Spiritual vacations can be a great way to get away from the stresses of everyday life and get back in touch with yourself and your sense of purpose. Whether you choose a guided retreat or make your own, taking time to focus on your spiritual and emotional health can be a big step toward improving your general health.

Increase your Bs


Eating a lot of fish and veggies is good for your body and can also make you feel better. These foods are full of important B vitamins. Scientists now think that B vitamins are a key part of how the body makes serotonin, a chemical that is known to improve happiness. B vitamins can be found in shellfish, grains with added vitamins, oatmeal, and wheat germ. Make sure to eat foods like shrimp, muesli, yeast extract, and green leafy veggies regularly to improve your mood. By adding these “mood superfoods” to your meals, you can support your mental well-being in a tasty and healthy way.

Concentrate on the present

Learning to pay attention to the present moment and be mindful can be a powerful way to deal with anxiety and sadness. By focusing on our feelings and thoughts in the present, we can let go of fears about the past or future and feel less stressed. Even if you only spend 30 minutes a day practicing mindfulness, it can help you deal better with the problems of daily life. There are a lot of ways to learn about mindfulness, such as through books, CDs, classes, or online tools. By adding awareness practices to your daily life, you can increase your sense of peace and well-being.

Give a supportive embrace

US researchers say that giving someone a warm hug can be just as satisfying as eating chocolate, having sex, or getting money. Brain scans showed that when people helped someone else, the reward centers of their brains were more active. This shows that helping someone else makes both the helper and the helped feel better. So, if a close friend or family member looks like they could use a hug, give them one. It will make you feel good, too.

Book a massage

A review of studies from Taiwan has shown that a relaxing massage can do more than just ease aches and pains. It can also help lift your mood. Massage has been shown to make people feel less stressed and more relaxed. It also builds a good relationship between the giver and user by making the bonding hormone oxytocin come out. Getting a massage, whether you pay for one or ask a partner or friend to rub your back, can naturally make you feel better.

Discard the trash

Clearing out the mess in your home can also help you think more clearly. It might look like a lot, but if you start small, you can make a big change. Think about the things in your home that are taking up room. Have you outgrown some of your furniture, tools, or clothes? Follow this general rule: If you haven’t used something in the past year or if it doesn’t make you happy, it’s time to get rid of it.

Extract outdated photographs

Have you ever noticed that being around people who are happy makes you feel better? Or that it makes you sad when your partner is sad? This is because feelings spread. Researchers have found that just looking at pictures of happy faces can increase the brainwaves that make us feel calm and aware. So, the next time you’re feeling down, try looking at pictures of happy times or spending time with positive people to lift your spirits.

Give yourself a sweet treat


Having a small amount of chocolate can make you feel better. Several studies have shown that cocoa has a chemical called theobromine in it. This chemical is thought to raise the amounts of endorphins, which are the body’s natural hormones that make you feel good. To get this benefit, choose dark chocolate with more than 70% pure cocoa powder.

Give praise to someone

Positive words can cancel out negative ones, so it’s important to remember this when talking to other people. Research shows that it takes about three positive comments to cancel out the results of one negative comment. You can feel better about yourself and life in general if you give praise and hang out with happy people.

Exercise a little bit

We all know that working out can make us feel better. But if the thought of a long workout is too much, here’s a secret: you don’t have to spend hours at the gym. Just 20 minutes a week of vigorous exercise, like jogging or doing housework hard enough to make you sweat, can make a big difference in how you feel.

Eat turkey and go for a stroll

A walk after food, like on Thanksgiving, can make you feel better. Researchers from Canada found that exercise makes it easier for the body to absorb tryptophan, an amino acid found in turkey that makes people feel calm. Milk and cabbage are also good sources of tryptophan. You can even have a turkey and lettuce sandwich with a glass of milk before your next workout to boost the “workout high.”

Maintain relations

Friends and family can help you keep your emotions in check, according to research. A study done at the University of Illinois in 2002 found that students who had close relationships with friends and family were the happiest and showed the least signs of sadness.

Go swimming in the outdoors

Researchers from the University of Essex in the UK say that working out in a gym is good for the body, but working out outside is better for happiness and self-esteem. In their study, even just five minutes of “green” exercise made people feel better. Light activities helped self-esteem the most, while light or vigorous activities helped happiness the most. Walking, cycling, sailing, horseback riding, gardening, and “wild swimming” in natural bodies of water are all great ways to get exercise outside and boost your happiness.

Get together

Psychologists have discovered that doing things with friends can make you feel good. Doing things with friends can make you feel better, whether it’s talking, farming, cooking, or shopping. You could also join a team sport, a club, or a class where you can meet new people and make friends, which can be good for your general health.

Bend over backward

Researchers have found that some yoga poses, like back bends, can make a person feel better. Back bends have been shown to be especially good at making people feel better mentally. Signing up for a yoga class near you can give you a chance to practice these poses and boost your happiness.

Relax with a cup


Cortisol levels can be lowered by having black tea with milk, according to studies. Just drinking three cups of coffee a day can help reduce stress. So if someone tells you that a cup of tea will help you rest, you might want to give it a shot.

Stay in the sun

Sunlight is needed for the body to make vitamin D, which has been shown to make people feel better. At the University of Massachusetts, researchers looked at postmenopausal women and found that those with the least vitamin D were more likely to be depressed. For people living at 50°N latitude, the best way to get the suggested amount of vitamin D is to spend about 10 minutes a day in the sun without sunscreen between 11 am and 3 pm, when the sun is at its highest. The more skin that gets sun, the better, and people with fair skin should spend less time in the sun than people with dark skin.

Try some herbal help

Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the natural supplement St. John’s Wort in treating mild to severe depression. If you choose to use it, it is crucial that you thoroughly read and adhere to the instructions on the package. St. John’s Wort should be used with care if going outside because it can make you more sensitive to sunlight. Additionally, it is crucial to speak with your doctor before taking St. John’s Wort if you are taking any other medications because it can lessen the efficacy of some medicines.

Learn to play

Just like kids, people need things to do when they’re bored. Doing things that keep you busy, like jigsaw puzzles, drawing, gardening, making models, or organizing your photos, can make you feel better and keep you happy. So, learn how to play again and find things you like to do.

Consume sardines

A simple way to improve your happiness is to eat oily fish, which is a food that your brain likes. Researchers in Finland found that people who eat oily fish less than once a week are more likely to be sad than those who eat it more often. Oily fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for keeping your brain healthy and happy. Researchers say that if you want to feel better, you should eat oily fish at least three times a week. Fresh tuna, mackerel, salmon, or sardines are all good options.

Serve veggies and brown rice

Switching out fast-digesting foods like potatoes or pasta for slower-digesting ones can have a big effect on your mood. Changes in the amount of glucose in the blood can be caused by fast digestion, which can cause mood swings. To avoid these highs and lows, eat foods that give you energy slowly. This way of eating is often called a low glycemic index (GI) diet. Whole grains like brown rice, veggies, and legumes that have slow-release carbohydrates are all good choices for meals.

Make use of flowers’ strength

The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy is a natural healing method that uses the essences of flowers to help people feel better when they are having a hard time. The medicines come in different forms, such as drops, gum, and pastilles. Proponents of the therapy say that certain flower treatments can help people feel better, like Beech for people who are always being critical, Crab apple for people who hate themselves, Elm for people who feel like they have too much to do, Rock rose for fear and shock, and Star of Bethlehem for shock.

Waltz away the blues


Studies in the US, Britain, and Germany have shown that dancing is good for your health and makes you feel better. This is because exercise increases dopamine, which is hormones that make you feel good, and learning a new skill makes you feel more confident. Long times of concentration also break up negative thought patterns that can lead to anxiety and depression. You can cheer yourself up by dancing at home or by taking a class.

See red

Red is the most vivid and vibrant color in the spectrum, making it one of the greatest mood enhancers in the opinion of color therapists. Wearing a red outfit, adding some eye-catching red accessories, or painting your house red are all good ways to inject some red into your life when you’re feeling down. It might end up being your go-to place to sit and feel your attitude lift.

Take a journey

Research in the UK shows that planning a holiday can have the same effect on your mood as going on one. The study done at Surrey University showed that people who were looking forward to a vacation were happier with their lives, felt less bad, and had a more positive view on life as a whole. They also said that their family income and health were better than those of people who weren’t planning a trip. So start planning your next trip and enjoy the happiness boost it brings.

Splurge on a treat

Getting new clothes or home décor might make you feel better for a short time, but it won’t last. US researchers say that if you spend money on an event that makes you feel good, the effects will last longer. So instead of buying a new outfit, you might want to book concert tickets or a weekend trip for a longer-lasting effect.

Respect yourself

Researchers have found that telling yourself nice things about yourself can make you feel much better. To be happy, you need to like yourself, so think of easy things that make you feel good. These positive statements should be written in the present tense and talk about the benefits of what you’re doing and how you’ll feel as a result. Saying things like “When I smile, people smile back” or “I feel happy and have a good day” to yourself over and over again may help turn on your brain’s happy switch.



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