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Eat Fruits and Veggies For A Healthy Smile

Sometimes the difference between a healthy smile and an unhealthy smile is what you are eating. Eating foods that are healthy, like fruits and vegetables, benefits more than your body, but also your teeth.

But, not all fruits and vegetables are equal, so how can we know which will be the more beneficial? We asked the team at The Smilist Dental for their recommendations and here is what we learned.


Let’s start by taking a look at the most beneficial fruits that you can eat. While all fruits do contain nutrients that are good for your body, some do have more benefits for your teeth than others do. Citrus fruits are high in acid and can damage your dental enamel, but there are still good fruits, too.


In addition to fruits that can help your teeth, there are also vegetables that are good for your teeth. You probably already know that eating vegetables is beneficial to your body, but here are some vegetables that benefit your smile as well.

Oral Care

While eating well will help take care of your teeth, it is also important that you take the right steps to keep your smile as healthy as possible. This means that you should be brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day. You should also be visiting your dental hygienist at least twice a year for cleanings, and once a year for an oral exam.

Maintaining the cleanliness and health of your teeth will prevent dental issues from developing, but paying regular visits to the dentist also means preventing problems that might be just beginning or catching issues before they have turned into something larger.

Never take your smile’s health for granted. Having a healthy smile can improve your overall health as well as your impression on the world around you.



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