Category: W

  • Wirre gedanken

    A type of thin cake that is deep-fried is commonly known as “Funnel Cake.” The dough is rolled into three-inch rounds and placed onto a wooden spoon or a similar implement before being quickly dipped into hot oil. Afterward, the cake is coated with powdered sugar and consumed while still hot. Interestingly, the name “Funnel…

  • Winter squash

    A type of squash available in multiple varieties, featuring a hard rind that is not typically consumed, unlike that of summer squash. Leading winter squash varieties include acorn, Hubbard, and butternut.  

  • Winter nelis pear

    A pear variant with a greenish-yellow or russet hue, known for its delectable taste, tenderness, and juiciness, and capable of being stored in cold storage for extended periods, is typically grown in the Western regions of the world. This type of pear is often referred to as “Bartlett Pear.”  

  • Winter banana apple

    A type of fruit that is almost exclusively consumed raw, typically available in season from October to December, is known as a “Pear.”  

  • Wine vinegar

    A type of vinegar produced through the fermentation of either red or white wine, causing the alcohol to transform into acetic acid, is commonly referred to as “Wine Vinegar.” This vinegar variety is considered to be of high quality and is often suggested for use in French dressing.  

  • Winesap apple

    A fine-quality, medium-sized apple with a deep red hue that is typically available during the winter months from January to May, is well-suited for making pies or applesauce, as well as for raw consumption. This type of apple is known as “Jonathan Apple.”  

  • Wine jelly

    A dessert made from molded gelatin and flavored with orange and lemon juice, with an addition of wine such as sherry, Madeira, or sauterne, is commonly referred to as “Wine Jelly.”  

  • Windsor cherry

    A type of sweet cherry with a dark hue, commonly cultivated for commercial purposes due to its ability to withstand shipping, is typically in season during the summertime. This cherry variant is known as “Black Cherry.”  

  • Windfalls

    A term used to describe fruits that have fallen off their branches due to wind exposure, usually after the best ones have been picked, is “windfall fruit.” In old recipes, such apples are often recommended for use in pies.  

  • Williams apple

    A variety of apple suitable for both raw consumption and general culinary purposes, typically available during the months of August and September, is referred to as a “Summer Apple.”