Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Antithiamine

    An agent that negates the effects of thiamine (vitamin B1), whose deficiency is known to cause beriberi. This type of substance is used in specific medical or research contexts where controlling the action of thiamine is necessary. While thiamine is crucial for maintaining nerve and heart health, with its deficiency leading to beriberi, there are…

  • Antiradiation

    An agent designed to neutralize the impacts of radiation and provide protection against radiation injuries. This type of substance is crucial in situations where there is exposure to harmful radiation, as it helps to mitigate the damaging effects on the body. By offering a defense against the adverse health consequences of radiation, such an agent…

  • Antimycobacterial

    A substance that is efficient in combating mycobacteria.  

  • Anti mutagenic

    A substance that counteracts the mutagenic effects of other substances.  

  • Anti-implantation

    Preventing the attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine lining, its penetration through the lining, and in humans, its implantation into the thick layer of the endometrium, typically occurring around six or seven days after fertilization.  

  • Antihypotensive

    A substance that counteracts unusually low blood pressure.  

  • Antihyperlipemic

    A substance that helps prevent high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream.  

  • Antiatherosclerotic

    Preventing the development of plaques that contain cholesterol, lipoid material, and immune cells within the inner layers of large and medium-sized arteries.  

  • Antiascariasis

    Harmful to intestinal parasites like roundworms of the Ascaris genus.  

  • Antiamnesic

    Preventing memory deficiency or loss.  

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