Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Clubbing


    Condition characterized by bulbous swelling of the tips of the fingers and toes. A thickening of the ends of the fingers and toes, a sign of many different diseases. Condition of the fingers and toes in which their ends become wide and thickened; clubbing is often a symptom of disease, especially heart or lung disease.…

  • Cheyne-Stokes respiration

    Breathing pattern disturbance characterized by a period of deep, rapid respirations followed by a period of shallow respirations or no respirations at all. The cycle rhythmically repeats every 45 seconds to 3 minutes. Irregular breathing, usually found in people who are unconscious, with short breaths gradually increasing to deep breaths, then reducing again, until breathing…

  • Cervicitis

    Inflammation of the cervix of the uterus, often caused by fungal or bacterial infection, characterized by redness, vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, slight bleeding on intercourse, itching, and burning. Treatment is by antibiotics, topical ointments, or cautery. Inflammation owing to infection or injury of the cervix, the narrow part (neck) at the lower end of the…

  • Cardiomegaly

    Increase in the volume of the heart or the size of the heart muscle tissue. Enlargement of the heart. Usually due to some form of cardiac disease (e.g., hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy). Mild cardiomegaly may be normal in some very athletic individuals. Enlargement of the heart. The heart can increase in size as a…

  • Carcinoma in situ

    Malignant cell changes in the epithelial tissue that do not extend beyond the basement membrane; “cancer in place.” Noninvasive cancer. The first stage in the development of a cancer, where the epithelial cells begin to change. Small cluster or nest of malignant cells that has not yet invaded the deeper epithelial tissue layers or spread…

  • Bruit

    Abnormal noise of venous or arterial origin heard during auscultation. An abnormal sound heard in auscultation. A sound or murmur usually heard near or over a narrowed artery and occurring with each heartbeat. An unusual noise heard through a stethoscope. Abnormal sound, heard on listening with a stethoscope, which indicates turbulent flow of blood in…

  • Bronchodilator

    Drug or other agent that relaxes and expands the air passages of the lungs. A drug which makes the bronchi wider, used in the treatment of asthma and allergy. Substance that causes relaxation of smooth muscle walls of bronchi, leading to dilation or widening of the opening (lumen). May result in improvement in a patient’s…

  • Blepharoptosis

    Drooping of the upper eyelid due to paralysis. Drooping of the upper eyelid tissue due to diseases that affect the muscles or nerves of the eye, such as myasthenia gravis or stroke. Drooping of one or both upper eyelids; also called ptosis. The cause is usually weakness in the muscle that raises the lid. In…

  • Bleb

    Irregularly shaped elevation of the epidermis. A blister. Blisterlike collection of fluid under the skin, varying from bean- to egg-sized. An irregularly shaped elevation of the epidermis; a blister or a bulla. Blebs may vary in size from less than 1 cm to as much as 5 to 10 cm; they may contain serous, seropurulent,…

  • Blast

    Precursor of the final, mature form of a cell. A wave of air pressure from an explosion which can cause concussion. An immature form of a cell before distinctive characteristics develop. A cell that produces something (e.g., osteoblast, fibroblast). A sudden, violent movement of air such as accompanies the explosion of a shell or bomb;…

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