Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Total fat

    Weight of all individual fatty acids plus weight of one unit of glycerol for each three fatty acids.  

  • Total carbohydrate

    The difference in total weight of the food minus the crude protein, total fat, moisture and ash of the food sample.  

  • Tostados

    Round, deep-fried tortillas covered with refried beans, lettuce, and fish* or egg mixture, and garnished with sauce and served as an appetizer.  

  • Toss

    To tumble ingredients lightly with a lifting motion.    

  • Tortilla chip

    Tortilla chip

    A cornmeal product that is fried and dried and which may be seasoned.  

  • Tortilla


    A circular unleavened flat bread made out of coarse cornmeal water and lime that is partially dried and kept refrigerated until used. The bread indigenous to the nation, comprises an exceedingly slender, level, circular flapjack fabricated from cornmeal, and cooked until thoroughly done but not to the point of browning, using a particular frying pan.…

  • Torte


    A round cake made with eggs and sugar and sometimes covered with frosting. A luscious, weighty confection, customarily leavened solely by whipped eggs, and frequently accompanied by aerated cream. A delectable creation known as an open tart or a lavish cake-like concoction enveloped within a delicate pastry shell bears the name “torte.” Among the notable…

  • Tofu


    A fermented soybean product resembling cottage cheese. Soybean curd. It is a dietary source of proteins, isoflavones, and phytoestrogens. Soybean curd is a food item that is typically solid or semi-solid in texture, and possesses a consistency that is similar to that of cheese. Bean curd, also known as tofu, is a tender food produced…

  • Toffee


    A candy made of butter, sugar and milk but cooked at a higher temperature than caramels. A type of candy that has a chewy texture, is typically made by combining sugar, butter, and often nuts. In the United States, this type of candy is also commonly referred to as taffy. In the realm of confectionery,…

  • Toast


    To brown or warm or cook by dry heat. When used as a verb, the term “to broil” refers to the process of browning food items by subjecting them to direct heat, such as that generated by a flame or an electric coil. Bread that is browned on each side under a broiler or in…

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