Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Proline

    A non-essential amino acid that is synthesized from glutamic acid. It is an essential component of collagen and is important for proper functioning of joints and tendons. An amino acid found in proteins, especially in collagen. Proline is a nonessential amino acid used in the formation of the body’s proteins. It is particularly important, along…

  • Prokaryote

    Unicellular organism having a less complex structure than a eukaryote; it’s characterized by the absence of a nucleus and by having the genetic material in the form of simple filaments of DNA. Single-cell organisms. Organism containing cells without nuclei, the nuclear material being scattered throughout the cell. Bacteria, blue-green algae, and certain other microorganisms are…

  • Projection

    A defense mechanism, operating unconsciously, whereby that which is emotionally unacceptable in the self is rejected and attributed (projected) to others. A defense mechanism, operating unconsciously, in which an individual attributes to another person an unacceptable thought, feeling, or attribute, such as an aggressive or sexual impulse, that in fact is his or her own.…

  • Progressive

    Advancing; going forward; going from bad to worse; increasing in scope or severity. Developing all the time. Increasing, worsening, as a progressive muscular disease. A term used to describe a disease that progressively deteriorates over time. A phrase used to characterize a condition that worsens or expands in severity over time.  

  • Progression

    Increase in the size of a tumor or spread of cancer in the body.  

  • Profusion

    Profusion is the number of small rounded opacities per unit area, that is, per zone.  

  • Presumptive

    A treatment based on an assumed diagnosis, prior to receiving confirmatory laboratory test results.  

  • Precursor

    Something that precedes. In biological processes, a substance from which another, usually more active or mature substance is formed. In clinical medicine, a sign or symptom that heralds another. In chemistry, a substance transformed into another substance by chemical reaction. The substance x is a compound that is transformed into substance x by chemical reaction.…

  • Precipitating factors

    Factors associated with the definitive onset of a disease, illness, accident, behavioral response, or course of action. Usually one factor is more important or more obviously recognizable than others, if several are involved, and one may often be regarded as “necessary”. Examples include exposure to specific disease; amount or level of an infectious organism, drug,…

  • Practice guidelines

    Directions or principles presenting current or future rules of policy for the health care practitioner to assist him in patient care decisions regarding diagnosis, therapy, or related clinical circumstances. The guidelines may be developed by government agencies at any level, institutions, professional societies, governing boards, or by the convening of expert panels. The guidelines form…

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