Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Naviculiform

    Boat-shaped, like the diatom genus Navicula.  

  • Navicular

    Boat-shaped, like the bow of a pirogue or canoe. Relating to a navicular bone. Largest of the proximal row of wrist bones on the thumb side; it is boat-shaped and often fractured in young adults. The usual cause is a fall on the out-stretched hand, or some type of twisting, violent motion involving the wrist…

  • Naucum

    Fleshy part of a stone fruit or drupe [unusual term, not recommended].  

  • Naturalised

    Non-native, introduced species that has become established and reproduces freely in their new habitat. An introduced plant t hat has become established by reproducing effectively by seed or spreading vegetatively (cf casual).  

  • Natural selection

    Anything tending to produce inheritable change between one generation and the next, with favorable changes becoming more common and unfavorable changes becoming less common. Determined by environmental factors that favor the reproduction of certain alleles or gene combinations over others. Results from constant interplay between the organism and the environment. However, does not produce new…

  • Natural

    Unchanged by humans. Usual or expected in particular conditions. Referring to something which comes from nature and is not made by humans. Relaxed and not consciously changed.  

  • Native


    Undoubtedly indigenous, species occurring naturally in a given area. Having its origins in a particular geographic area, as in a plant native to the Western United States. A plant indigenous to the locality. Indigenous to a country or region and having arrived by natural means, not introduced, intentionally or un intentionally, by humans. Much the…

  • Nascent

    In the act of being formed. In the process of coming into existence and starting to develop. Referring to a substance, especially hydrogen, in the process of being created. At this stage it is often in a highly active form. Distinguished by the release of gaseous substances from a chemical compound. Newly born or recently…

  • Napoid

    Shaped like a turnip, i.e. broadly ovoid and tapering to a point.  

  • Napiform


    (Of roots) shaped like a turnip, i.e. broadly ovoid and tapering to a point.  

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