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Guide to VR Clinics as Part of the Future of Healthcare

There is no doubt that VR (virtual reality) clinics have transformed the healthcare system, and they will continue to grow and improve. The future of healthcare is likely to present more virtual experiences for patients and doctors as well. In recent years, VR has become a promising area of scientific research and health with many doctors and patients choosing it as a more desirable option.

Below we’ll explain why we think VR clinics will dominate the future of healthcare.

What is a VR Clinic?

A VR clinic is an online meeting room where doctors meet their patients to assess initial reports of injuries and illnesses without an extended wait for an in-person appointment at a clinic or hospital. The patient joins the doctor on a video call reporting back or assessing the recovery or consultation of an injury or illness.

The VR clinic can be used for initial consultations, home treatments, online sessions like therapies and rehabilitation, and many more. It is increasingly used for treating injuries and chronic conditions through a VR headset from the comfort of the patient’s home. The waiting time for a consultation is dramatically reduced with these clinics, helping speed up the recovery process, too.  

Uses of VR techniques

In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of VR in the healthcare system from developing life-saving techniques to training medical professionals on the future of healthcare. Here are some of the ways VR is being used, changing lives and healing patients.

Patient treatment

One of the most popular uses of VR technology is for helping patients manage physical and psychological therapy. It treats mental health by creating powerful simulations of the scenarios in which psychological difficulties occur thus helping patients deal with trauma, anxiety, depression, and so on.

Of course, these healing capabilities aren’t just limited to mental issues but also work for pain management and physical treatments, too. VR therapy has been effective in speeding up recovery time as it allows patients to do their daily exercises in a virtual reality environment from their homes. This makes it more fun, keeps their spirits up, and keeps them more focused during the long recovery period.

Medical training

VR technology can transport a person inside the human body, making it better for doctors to learn and practice their skills. For example, VR can help them view details of any part of the body in 360° CGI reconstruction, and can also create training scenarios replicating common surgical procedures.

These VR simulations can also help doctors better empathize with patients with mental illnesses like dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or migraine headaches. The simulations help doctors better understand what their patients are going through. It also helps doctors better prepare for difficult surgeries as it offers a better view and grasp of the condition.

VR impact on mental health

Many patients are requesting and many doctors are recommending the use of VR as a way to help people combat anxiety, relieve stress, and achieve a more peaceful mental state. Therapeutic VR requires the patient to wear a VR headset with which they will experience a simulation designed to calm their mind.

Although some are concerned whether VR can harm the patients rather than help them, many doctors say that it is not a brain trick. VR technology taps into the mind differently and trains it to deal with psychological conditions. Many patients are more comfortable with this type of treatment since they can do it from home while receiving regular consultations with their doctors through the VR clinic system.

VR-enabled clinics

VR tech is used in various hospitals to enhance patient’s experience in innovative ways, and distract them while undergoing complex procedures and treatments. This not only helps the patients but also their doctors. With the pandemic making it more difficult for people with physical ailments to visit hospitals and receive treatments, VR-enabled virtual clinics have taken a big step toward helping the healthcare system.

People no longer need to spend extra money and waste time going to hospitals and waiting in line for a checkup or treatment. VR clinics enable treating the physical and mental problems of patients via VR devices such as a VR headset. These devices are reaping positive results and their use is being extended to other physical ailments.

VR in surgeries

The use of virtual reality in surgery has rapidly become the gold standard in the healthcare system. Many surgeons and students have indeed been using haptic gloves and VR headsets to imitate real-life surgical procedures which reduce the risk associated with surgical complications. Additionally, it has improved accuracy and efficiency in the operating rooms.

VR in healthcare training has many positive effects. Instead of taking experienced professionals away from treating their patients to train students, this has helped save time and reduce unnecessary expenses. The hands-on experience that VR technology offers is a much-needed method in today’s modern healthcare system. 

VR clinic can help build a better healthcare system

VR clinics are progressing in a way that might be a dominant practice soon. Virtual reality will indeed be used more and more in the coming years, to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of current procedures, and enhance the capabilities of both caregivers and patients.

It can help rural areas get better healthcare access, which will benefit not only local patients but also local hospitals by extending services. It can provide primary and secondary care through physical and virtual applications, in partnership with local rural health systems thus accessing virtual sub-specialty care.  

In closing

Simply put, the potential of VR in the healthcare system is huge as it provides a novel way to stay engaged in physical and mental therapy treatments. VR clinics have become more convenient for patients, offering lower medical expenses, and are offering more flexible schedules, and improved access to doctors. Undoubtedly, VR clinics will transform the healthcare industry and the way people deal with health issues.



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