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Health Benefits of Going With Non-alcoholic Drinks

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Health conscious or not, many are now choosing a healthier lifestyle. Often, health-buffs would modify their food intake by choosing non-fat variants or going organic when buying fresh produce. Fitness warriors would cut out vices, even the friendly ones like wine and occasional partying. But did you know you can now enjoy a healthy living while enjoying late-night parties with your favourite alcohol?

Learn all the interesting facts that fill up a non-alcoholic wine. Here’s all you need to know.

Switching to healthier alcoholic drinks: Is it worth it?

Having this type of doubt is typical for avid wine lovers, and some are still sceptical when switching to healthy options. What wine drinkers would be most concerned about is the taste. Those who drink wine are not always after the effects; most are still lured to the particular taste of each type of spirit. Wines come in various textures, aromas, and tastes. Most people presume the healthier option to be bland and distasteful and that they’ll miss out on the whole fun of drinking. However, many options offer health benefits without forgoing the flavours, like non-alcoholic wine rosé or chardonnay that goes well with any pasta or seafood.

It may be obvious, but alcohol-free wine’s advantage over regular alcoholic wine is that it contains almost no alcohol. It removes the many risks associated with alcohol, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

The Common Misconception: Fancy Grape Juice 

To clarify a common misconception about alcohol-free wine that alcohol-free sceptics frequently use: Alcohol-free wine is not a fancy grape juice. The wine is made the same way as other wines, and the only distinction is that at the end of the wine-making process, the alcohol is gently removed in a process known as dealcoholization.

Benefits of going alcohol-free

So, are you convinced that the non-alcoholic wine is as thirst-quenching as your classic wine? To make your scepticism come down, here are befits you would enjoy when you drink non-alcoholic wine.

Reducing Cancer Risks

By lessening the amount of alcohol consumed, you directly reduce your risk of developing alcohol-associated cancer. Switching to an alcohol-free wine is a simple way to cut your alcohol consumption without surrendering the enjoyment of wine.

 No hangover, No worries

One benefit of going alcohol-free that you’ll be thankful for the morning after a night out is waking without a hangover. You can say goodbye to nausea, tiredness, and a pounding head in the morning and instead wake up feeling fresh. When you go out drinking, your body treats alcohol as a toxic chemical, which works as a diuretic, making you pee more. This situation can leave you dehydrated, one of the leading causes of hangover symptoms. 

Instead of starting the day thinking about calling in sick to work, you can start each morning feeling fresh and ready to conquer the world. You may even do things you’ve promised yourself, like running, going to the gym, or meeting up with friends. A hangover-free beginning of the day gives you many options to make it a great day.


Switching to an alcohol-free wine and cutting out the alcohol can help with weight loss as it’s an easy way to reduce your calorie intake. Unlike the calories in an alcoholic drink, removing the alcohol will not automatically reduce the carbohydrates because alcohol contains no carbohydrates. Nevertheless, alcohol-free wine can still have very low carb levels.

Reduced Stress

Besides being good for your health, switching to alcohol-free enables you to be on your right mind. Without the loss of self-control, forgetfulness, and hand-eye co-ordination you won’t risk:

All these experiences can lead to excessive stress levels and have a long-term impact on your well-being.

Better Sleep

You can also gain a better night’s sleep by switching to alcohol-free wine. While alcohol can induce a feeling of relaxation that leads to falling asleep more quickly, it doesn’t necessarily mean a good night’s sleep. Many studies have demonstrated that alcohol causes poorer sleep quality throughout the night. Alcohol affects REM sleep, which is thought to be the most vital of the four types of sleep, and it’s also the stage that’s believed to play a role in memory consolidation. Disruptions to your REM sleep can lead to feelings of weariness and poor concentration the following day.

Alcohol can also lead to insomnia- difficulty falling and staying asleep. A vicious cycle can begin by drinking wine the night before, experiencing poor quality sleep, and then feeling tired throughout the day. The cycle consists of drinking stimulants like coffee or energy drinks during the day to stay awake and then to drink wine as a sedative to fall asleep. The alcohol ushers another lousy night’s sleep, so the cycle begins again. 

Swapping alcohol-free wine in the evening can easily break this cycle. It will give you a better sleep quality and leave you feeling fresh in the morning.

Better Self-Control

When drinking wine, another impact that alcohol can have is on your behaviours. Among the many short-term effects of alcohol are reduced inhibitions and compulsive behaviour. These can lead to poor decision-making and taking actions that have a detrimental impact on you. Some may only have short-term effects which can be rectified quickly, but others may have a much longer-term impact and be harder to reverse.

Opting to drink alcohol-free wine obliterates the feeling of reduced inhibitions or compulsive behaviour caused by alcohol. It will give you greater self-control and reduce your risk of poor decision-making.

Better Mood, Better Self

Drinking alcohol can affect your mood, with long-term or regular drinking affecting the chemicals within your brain. Over time, this can lead to anxiety or depression and make stress handling more difficult. At first, alcohol can make you feel more confident and less uneasy; however, the impact on your brain function increases as you continue drinking alcohol. This is when some negative emotions might start to take over to various responses like anxiety, depression, or even aggression against different people. 

Exchanging your usual glass of wine with something alcohol-free reduces your risk of feeling negative emotions while and after drinking.

Raise your glass with a non-alcoholic drink: conclusion

Strictly speaking, when they say that wine is sour for your health, it has nothing to do with wine but the alcohol contained within wine. By switching to alcohol-free wine, you can break free from this and have a glass of wine whenever you want. Even better, you can still enjoy the experience of pouring yourself a glass at the end of a long day. An alcohol-free wine will also be less remarkable than a soft drink, and it won’t draw attention to your non-drinking on nights out, avoiding the inevitable questions on why you’re not drinking.

Swapping alcohol-free wine is simple and has huge health benefits. This slight change in habits can reduce your risk of cancer, lower blood pressure, help with weight loss, improve sleep, and have many other benefits. Those are some big wins for such a slight change in habit.



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