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Healthy Snacks That Are Surprisingly Bad For Your Teeth

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Many of us want to eat better, yet there are certain things that are beneficial to our bodies but harmful to our teeth. Listed below are some meals that might be particularly hazardous to your teeth and gums. We have also included ways that you can reduce tooth damage.

How nutritious are your typical mid-day munchies? Equally important is how is the state of your children’s health. We should all learn about the importance of a balanced diet. Prominent dentist Dr. Manuel Resendes, shared some vital information with us on this topic.

You probably already know that sugary drinks and candies are bad for your teeth, but you may not realize that certain supposedly “healthy” items are just as bad. It’s your job to keep them off your family’s, or your own plate to protect teeth from decay and encourage healthy gums.

Citrus Fruits

Oranges and grapefruits, both members of the citrus fruit family, are often regarded as two of the healthiest fruits you can consume. However, they are acidic and might damage your teeth’s enamel if consumed often. Lemons are the same way and it is even worse when you add sugar and create lemonade. Avoiding prolonged and excessive tooth contact with citrus fruits is the key. You should limit your intake of citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, and always drink with a straw if you have a strong aversion to their pungency.


Although almonds are beneficial to your health due to their high vitamin E and good fat content, they may be detrimental to your oral hygiene routine. Almonds may be tough to chew on because they shatter or splinter easily. This may also cause your teeth to fracture or crack. If you’re munching on whole almonds, do it with great care and avoid biting down too hard. Replace these with sliced almonds if possible as these are much better for your teeth.

Apples and Apple juice

Another fruit with a surprising acidity is apples which are quite tough on the teeth. Have some water on hand, either still or sparkling, to swish about your mouth in between bites or after you’ve finished eating. You should also wait at least half an hour after eating apples or any of the foods on our list before brushing your teeth to avoid exacerbating any possible acidic damage to your enamel.

Desserts Made From Dried Fruits

While dried fruits might be a convenient on-the-go snack, they can promote tooth decay. Since all the moisture has been removed from dried fruit, the remaining fruit is rich in sugar that will stay in your teeth and between your teeth. Water breaks in between bites are recommended, as are complete brushing and flossing at least twenty minutes afterward.

Dried fruits, like raisins, appear like a healthy alternative to other types of candy because of the nutrients they contain. The truth is, however, that dried fruit is nature’s gummy candy. There are a lot of natural sugars in fruit, and they promote tooth disease just as much as added sweets. And because of how sticky dried fruit is, it gets stuck in crevices, where germs may do additional damage to your teeth.


Intense anxiety might cause people to chew on ice, yet other people really love the crunchy texture of a handmade ice pop on a daily basis. Chewing ice, however, may damage tooth enamel and cause fissures in already fragile teeth.

Herbal Tea 

As an antioxidant, tannic acid adheres to plaque and makes teeth yellow in herbal and white teas. 


The new demand for this fermented tea drink, known as Kombucha, may be attributed to the probiotics it contains, which are good for the gut. However, kombucha has a very high acidity level. To put it simply, tooth decay occurs when the enamel protecting your teeth is weakened and demineralized by acidic meals. Prolonged exposure may be particularly dangerous if it is achieved by sipping gently over a lengthy period of time, such as during a pleasant talk with friends at your neighborhood café.

Cough Drops

Medicines aren’t always beneficial for your teeth, despite their name. You can’t detect the difference between the sugar in cough drops and that in hard candy, and your teeth won’t either.

Diet Soda

The sugar content of ordinary soda is to blame, but diet drink isn’t exactly guilt-free, either. Regardless matter how much sugar is in a drink, your teeth will still be damaged by the phosphoric and citric acids it contains. Diet drinks may have more acid than regular sodas due to the artificial sweeteners used to make them seem sweet.

Salted Potato Chips

Potato chips aren’t exactly hailed as a superfood, but they beat reaching for something sugary when you’ve got a sweet tooth. Actually, starchy foods (like potatoes) are broken down by the bacteria in plaque into acid. Crumbs from potato chips have a habit of becoming lodged between teeth, where they may remain for much longer than is ideal and, therefore, increase the risk of tooth decay.

White Wine

Since it’s common knowledge that red wine may discolor your teeth, you might feel better sticking to white. However, the acids in the wine continue to erode enamel, making teeth more susceptible to coloring agents like red wine and coffee.

You can still eat most of your favorite meals, including those on this list. Simply make wise decisions and avoid ingesting anything that may be harmful with prolonged exposure, and consider brushing your teeth or running water over your food after eating certain things.

Peanut Butter

Everyone has experienced the unpleasantness of having peanut butter from a PB&J sandwich stuck to the roof of their mouth. This adherence is what makes peanut butter so bad for teeth. It can also increase your chances of developing cavities. If you can stand the peanut butter’s natural flavor, you may want to look for brands that don’t add extra sugar. If you can’t remember to brush your teeth after every meal, carry some floss or floss sticks with you.

Final Words

Regular dental checkups for your kids are as crucial for their oral health as they are for yours. Keeping the entire family in good oral health may be as simple as setting up biannual (every six months) dentist checkups. Take preventative measures and get ahead of troubles so they don’t balloon into costly crises.



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