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Medicinal use of Horsetail

Medicinal use of Horsetail

Horsetail Quick Facts
Name: Horsetail
Scientific Name: Equisetum arvense
Origin North America, Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia
Taste Sweet, bitter
Health benefits Beneficial for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis,Treat Heart Disease, Improves Wound Healing, Reduces Swelling, Strengthen Hair and Nails, Treat Ulcers and Hemorrhoids, Fights Cancer, Reduce Cellulite, Boost Weight Loss, Treat Herpes and HIV, Eliminate Kidney Stones, Relieve Diarrhea, Reduce Inflammation, Improve Digestion, Relieve Asthma, Improve Bone Health, Treat Varicose Veins, Skin Care, treat gout, Treats Diabetes, Reduces Pain, Cures Respiratory Conditions, Hemorrhoids, Excellent Nail Health, Urinary Tract Health
Equisetum arvense also known as field horsetail or common horsetail is an herbaceous perennial plant in the Equisetaceae (Horsetail family). The plant is native throughout the arctic and temperate regions of the northern hemisphere mostly North America, Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. There are around 20 species of horsetail that can be found almost everywhere in the world, except in Australia, New Zealand, on several islands in the Pacific Ocean and on Antarctica. Some of the popular common  names of the plant are bottle brush, bottlebrush, bull pipes, common horsetail, corn horsetail, field horsetail, foxtail, foxtail rush, foxtail-rush, horse pipes, horsetail, horsetail fern, joint grass, joint weed, mare’s tail, meadow pine, meadowpine, paddock-pipes, pine grass, pine-grass, rush, scouring rush, shave grass, shavegrass, snake grass, snake-grass and western horsetail. Horsetail got its name due to its resemblance to the tail of a horse.

The scientific name Equisetum is derived from the Latin equus meaning horse and seta meaning animal hair and describes the stiff stalks of the horsetail. The species name arvense comes from the Latin word arva which means field. The English name Field Horsetail is thus a direct translation from the Latin. It is a vascular plant that is closely related with ferns. Horsetail does not have flowers and does not produce seed. It reproduces via spores that are produced in the sporangium (cone shaped organ), located on the top of the plant.

Plant Description

Horsetail is an herbaceous perennial plant that grows about 1-2 feet tall. Largest species of horsetail can reach 6 feet in height. The plant is found growing in non-sandy savannas and sandy savannas, black soil prairies, sand prairies, gravel prairies, dolomite prairies, prairie remnants along railroads, thickets, fens, seeps, ditches, roadsides, open areas along railroads (including the gravel ballast), old fields, and waste areas. The plant prefers neutral or slightly basic clay loams that are sandy or silty, particularly where the water table is high, though it can occur occasionally on slightly acid soils. The plant has a deep root system.

Stems and Leaves

The stems are mostly upright (i.e. erect or ascending) but can occasionally trail along the ground at first before turning upwards (i.e. occasionally decumbent). These stems are noticeably jointed and are of two distinct types. Most of the stems are “vegetative” (i.e. sterile). These are green in color and are about 5-60 cm tall and 1.5-5 mm thick with small cup-shaped sheaths at their joints (i.e. nodes). They are hollow, grooved lengthwise (i.e. longitudinally), and produce groups (i.e. whorls) of thin branches (8-15 cm long and about 5 mm thick) that are sometimes mistaken for leaves. These branches are four-angled and usually emanate from each of the stem joints (i.e. nodes). The sheaths are actually the reduced, scale-like, leaves. They are green to dark-brown in color, borne in clusters of 6-18, and are fused together to form a small cylindrical or cup-shaped structure (5-8 mm long) topped with teeth that are 2-3 mm long.

The second type of stem is whitish or pale brown in color, shorter and somewhat thicker up to 30 cm tall and 8 mm thick. These are known as “fertile” stems and bear reproductive structures at their tips. They are jointed and sheathed like the vegetative stems but lack the whorls of green branches.

Flowers and Fruit

Being closely related to the ferns, this plant does not produce true flowers or seeds. Instead it produces spores in a cone-like structure known as a strobilus. These structures (i.e. strobili) are borne at the tips of the ‘fertile’ stems and commonly appear during early spring, before the ‘vegetative’ (i.e. sterile) stems. They are greenish, whitish or brownish in color about 1-4 cm long with numerous stalked scale-like structures (i.e. sporangiophores) which bear the spores. The masses of minute spores are pale greenish to yellow in color.


Horsetail is commonly available in nurseries and is often grouped with the wetland and aquatic species. In addition to the common horsetail species described above, nurseries often stock the following varieties:

Health Benefits of Horsetail

It is an amazing medicinal herb that offers numerous health benefits. The herb is popular for its cognitive boosting function, protecting bone health, alleviating respiratory issues and promoting good oral health. It also supports immunity and acts as a detoxifying agent in the body. Listed below are few of the health benefits of horsetail

1. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Horsetail is an effective, safe, and reliable treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It improved symptoms and regulated the immune response in most patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RCT). Horsetail reduced inflammation, which may be crucial for treating this disease.

Giant horsetail extracts help to reduce pain, inflammation, and an autoimmune response in a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Medicinal benefits of the compounds in horsetail could be a promising new therapy with no toxic effects.(1), (2

2. Treat Heart Disease

Horsetail relaxes blood vessels, and reduced blood pressure in people with heart disease. Dicaffeoyl-meso-tartaric acid is the active ingredient in this process. It helps to reduce fat oxidation, which is often the fundamental cause of heart disease.

Phytosterols and flavonoids present in horsetail may be able to alleviate this. Phytosterols reduced LDL cholesterol and antioxidants decreased inflammation in cells. High LDL cholesterol and inflammation can cause hardening of the blood vessels and heart problems.(3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)

3. Improves Wound Healing

Horsetail has been used to help heal wounds faster. Horsetail ointment is commonly applied directly to the wound.

Horsetail ointment helps to improve wound healing in a research that had surgery to induce childbirth. Half of the women used horsetail ointment on the wound for 10 days, which reduced pain and healed wounds faster, without any side effects. Silica helps to seal the wound, while flavonoids prevent infections.(11), (12), (13)

4. Reduces Swelling

Diuretics are often used to reduce blood pressure and swelling. They work by flushing unnecessary fluids from the body. Horsetail extract attained an effect similar to the standard diuretic in 36 healthy male volunteers, without disrupting the electrolyte balance (RCT). Different horsetail species had a strong diuretic effect. (14), (15)

5. Strengthen Hair and Nails

Horsetail consists of high silicon and antioxidant content, but its beneficial use for hair and nails is not adequately backed up by research. Hair loss in women may be caused by different factors than in men, such as stress, fever, surgery, thyroid problems, and childbirth. Horsetail together with other ingredients increased hair growth, volume, and thickness in one research conducted in 15 women with thinning hair. (16), (17), (18)

6. Treat Ulcers and Hemorrhoids

Excessive bleeding is common to heavy menstrual periods, hemorrhoids, and ulcers. Horsetail helps to treat wounds and shrink their size and may help to treat these conditions too.

Research showed that horsetail extract treated stomach ulcers. It improved symptoms, protected the stomach, and prevented further damage.(19), (20), (21), (22)

7. Fights Cancer

Horsetail displays potential for treating skin, blood, and lung cancer based on cell studies.

Horsetail reduced growth, inflammation, and damage in human cancer cells. Antioxidants in horsetail are the main components in fighting cancer, while zinc in horsetail can boost the anti-tumor effect.

Group of human cells with cancer (melanoma) were treated with horsetail extract. Horsetail extract helps to protect melanoma and cell oxidation. Similarly, horsetail was beneficial for lung cancer in human cells by causing cancer cell death.(23), (24), (25), (26), (27)

8. Reduce Cellulite

One approach for reducing cellulite is to eliminate built-up fluids from the target area. Horsetail could help fight cellulite by cleansing fluids from the body and toning the skin. Though horsetail products are formulated in Spain for reducing cellulite, no clinical studies have yet confirmed the benefits.(28), (29), (30)

9. Boost Weight Loss

Giant horsetail is considered one of the popular weight loss supplements in Latin America. Horsetail acts as a proven diuretic and reduces fat. It may supplement a weight loss regime by flushing excessive fluids, decreasing inflammation, bloating, and fat. Horsetail also increases IL-10, which may boost weight loss. But how horsetail affects body weight on its own is still unknown.(31), (32), (33), (34), (35)

10. Treat Herpes and HIV

Women from Amazonian tribes traditionally used giant horsetail for genital infections and hygiene. When tested on virally infected cells, giant horsetail was powerful against the herpes simplex virus type 2 (genital herpes) and improved symptoms. In another research on cells, Horsetail stopped the HIV virus from damaging cells.(36), (37)

11. Eliminate Kidney Stones

Horsetail in combination with other herbs helps to prevents kidney stones and kidney damage. It also helped to break down and eliminate kidney stones.(38), (39)

12. Relieve Diarrhea

Active compounds in horsetail slow down bowel movements during diarrhea. Compounds in horsetail block acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that promotes bowel movements. Horsetail relaxed stomach muscles and reduced cramps in diarrhea.(40)

13. Reduce Inflammation

Horsetail reduced an overactive immune response in human cells. Horsetail causes cells to produce less inflammatory molecules and the silica balances the immune effect in these cells. Higher concentrations of the herb have a stronger effect.(41)

14. Improve Digestion

Horsetail liquor or tea is used as a folk remedy to improve digestion in many countries around the world. Flavonoids found in horsetail may help with digestion, reduce bloating, nausea, and stomach pain. (42)

15. Relieve Asthma

Histamine presents in horsetail helps to narrows airways in asthma, causing difficulty breathing and mucus buildup. In a research Horsetail blocks the effects of histamine and relaxes airways. Higher doses of horsetail had a stronger effect.(43)

16. Improve Bone Health

Silicon is important for forming and maintaining healthy bones. It helps to absorb calcium and improves bone mineralization and structure. Horsetail has a long history of traditional use for bone healing. Horsetail increased the activity of human bone cells, crucial for bone regeneration. Horsetail extracts increased bone cell growth while killing the bacteria that can cause bone infection.(44), (45), (46)

17. Treat Varicose Veins

Herbal combinations along with horsetail have been used to treat varicose veins. It’s unknown exactly how horsetail acts on varicose veins. Its anti-inflammatory and skin healing properties could be beneficial when used as a cream, lotion, or ointment on affected areas. (47)

18. Treat Gout

Horsetail has been traditionally used to treat gout, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis. The beneficial effects of horsetail for rheumatoid arthritis could be important for treating gout. Still, no clinical studies have looked at horsetail in gout disease models.(48), (49)

19. Skin Care

Horsetail extract can be commonly found in various creams and organic beauty products, as the unique and complex mixture of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, silica, and other compounds, which are powerful skin care agents. If you want to reduce the redness of boils or acne, eliminate eczema or psoriasis, or prevent premature aging, horsetail extract consists of all of the necessary components to do that.(50)

20. Treats Diabetes

Research has connected the use of horsetail supplements and tea to more balanced insulin levels in the body, namely in the rapid lowering of blood sugar when necessary. While this is an effective method of diabetes management, it should only be used for a short time, or when absolutely necessary. It can have long-term impacts if consumed for longer than two months in succession.(51)

21. Reduces Pain

Horsetail ointment helps to reduce pain in a research with 108 healthy women shortly after giving birth. Half of them used horsetail ointment on a surgical wound for 10 days. Horsetail extracts reduced pain and inflammation.

22. Cures Respiratory Conditions

Horsetail tea is a proven way of relieving many respiratory conditions such as a cold or flu. People who frequently suffer from congestion or experience breathing discomfort should frequently consume horsetail tea. Since the herb is rich with expectorant properties; the use of horsetails clears out mucus and phlegm to promote a good respiratory function. It is also effective in relieving inflammation and cures a persistent cough.

23. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are painful and cause significant discomfort. To relieve your symptoms and to cure hemorrhoids the natural way, use horsetail supplements in the form of liquid or tea before every meal guarantees improved results. However, make sure you include a good amount of fiber in each meal.

24. Excellent Nail Health

Horsetail helps to maintain good nail health. Regular use of horsetail guarantees stronger and longer nails. Just add two teaspoons of dried horsetail in boiling water. Let it cool for 10 minutes and soak your nails in this solution for at least half an hour. Use this remedy at least 3-4 times a week to observe noticeable differences.

25. Urinary Tract Health

Horsetail extract is commonly used to treat a weak bladder. Hence, it is a common remedy that is helpful in treating bladder incontinence along with many kinds of urinary tract infections. To naturally treat a UTI infection, consume one capsule of horsetail extract twice a day. It is also used to support good health and proper functioning of the kidney to prevent kidney stones. Moreover, it is also helpful in preventing the formation of gallbladder stones.

Traditional uses and benefits of horsetail

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Horsetail

In this formula:

Culinary Uses

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