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How can a bedroom makeover induce better sleep?

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It’s a new year, and with that comes resolutions. Is one of those resolutions to get better sleep? We hope so!

Did you know that great sleep starts with your environment? As important as diet, exercise, and our wind-down routines are, they would be nothing without a sleep sanctuary to put it all into practice.

So while we start hitting the treadmill and cutting back on that jolly juice, let’s also take a look at how a simple bedroom makeover can lead to a better night’s sleep. 

It all starts with a sleep audit.

Your bedroom should have two purposes. Sleep and sex. That means breaking the habit of using your bed as a home office and “that chair” as your wardrobe dumping ground. 

Let’s start with giving our bedrooms a sleep audit by removing anything we don’t need. Clutter can cause stress and anxiety, and as Marie Kondo says, “Visible mess helps distract us from the true source of the disorder.” So one of the sleep solutions is to tidy up.

  1. Do you have stuff stored under the bed? If it’s not sleep-related (pillows or linen) it must go. 
  2. Do you have exercise equipment taking up space? High-intensity workouts should be banished from the bedroom. But if a slow morning yoga session is a part of your morning wake-up, the yoga mat can stay.
  3. Excess books, electronics, unfolded laundry, and anything else that may remind you of work or to-dos should be packed away or moved out of the bedroom. 
  4. Is your nightstand a clutter collector? Only your current read and a glass of water should be present. If your nightstand has drawers, you can use these to minimize the visible clutter too. 

A bedroom color says a lot about your sleep

Does your bedroom need a new coat of paint? Painting a feature wall, or going full decorator on your walls is the simplest way to overhaul a bedroom. But remember, go matte rather than gloss as this helps keep the color softer. 

A bed fit for royal snoozes 

While your room might scream sleep queen, it’s the bed that’s going to seal the deal. Is your mattress more than 7 years old? Is your linen one-size-fits-all-seasons? If your aim is quality sleep, these two things will take the bulk of your budget. 

Your mattress

A good mattress must have a starring role in your sleep quality and not only for sleep but also for your overall health. If you think about it, you spend (ideally) 7-9 hours a day on your mattress, so investing in a good one is a no-brainer. 

Your linen

Your bedding not only adds to the decor of your room, and serves to complete the look you’re creating but it plays a vital role in regulating your body temperature, giving you a sense of comfort, and keeping your neck aligned. Plus, if you’re a sheet snob like us, the thought of hitting the hay in crisp linen is definitely motivation to get to sleep on time. 

Light makes for light sleepers

Light. The frenemy of sleep. We need it to keep our body clocks in sync and need it out of sight when we close our eyes. What can we do to keep it out? And what type of light helps us sleep?


Our simplest decor solution to keeping light out? Blackout curtains or blinds. These are designed to make the dark darker, and also buffer noise from the outdoors. However, if blackout curtains are out of the question, get yourself a sleep mask.

Light bulbs

The type of artificial light that we use in our bedroom can affect our body clocks, trigger a busy mind, and keep us awake. The best kind of light to use in your bedroom would be one with less blue light and more red light. In other words, a light bulb with amber or orange undertones.  

Quiet and calm to clear the mind clutter

Limiting the amount of noise entering your bedroom is an easy way to say good night, peacefully. And no, it’s not all about double glazing. Here are some noise-reducing hacks you can implement right now: 

If noise is an issue in your neighborhood, earplugs or white noise machines can help distract your mind from the noisy neighbors and help get you to sleep faster for longer.

Sleep hygiene 101

As much as our room decor is appealing to our eyes and can motivate us to get more sleep, it’s the habits of good sleepers that put the cherry on top. Following a sleep and wake hygiene routine can help prepare us for sleep and wind down our minds. Keep up these simple tasks for a complete sleep (bedroom) makeover. 

  1. Leave electronics at the door (or in the other room). This means, cable boxes, digital alarm clocks, electronic photo frames, and of course, your cellular phone. 
  2. Pack away clothes. Leaving outfits on the floor can create unnecessary anxiety which means a distracting sleep.
  3. Make your bed every day. Getting into the routine of making your bed can help kickstart your day’s productivity. Getting into a made bed at the end of the day can also induce relaxation as there is nothing more pleasant than getting into a fresh bed. (wouldn’t you agree?)

Are you ready to start your bedroom sleep makeover? Let’s the good sleep begin!



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