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How to Know When You are in Need of Physical Therapy

As we get older, it becomes harder to ignore the fact that our bodies continue to change and that the bones and muscles only get weaker with the passage of time, unless we do something about it. Along with a healthy diet and appropriate physical fitness, many of us are unaware of how effective physical therapy can be. Your body needs to undergo therapy, even if you think that you don’t need it. Physical therapy is important as it aids in recovery, reduces muscle pain, and speeds up the healing process. Sometimes, we ignore small issues and hope they will go away. But that’s wishful thinking and it’s better to fix a problem as soon as it appears. In your defense, sometimes you don’t know that you need to seek therapy, so we are going to shed the light on the signs that go unnoticed.

Lingering Pain

Sometimes we bump into something and start to feel the pain much later on, and the pain lingers without really understanding why. Falling and getting injured is sometimes inevitable. Sometimes the fall passes smoothly, but occasionally, the pain you feel when you hit the ground remains even after three or more days. If you apply ice and rest and still the pain is increasing, then you should give a physical therapist a call.  

Another factor that you need to keep in mind is that while staying fit is important, you need to learn how to do so correctly. Intense workouts can cause muscle strain if you don’t watch your moves and pay attention to your steps. The best thing to do is to first visit a nutritionist as well as consult a doctor to understand the condition of your body, and also see what you may be deficient in. The next step is to consult with a certified and seasoned professional trainer that will be able to guide you into carrying out the perfect workout for your body without risking damage to your bones and tendons. That’s why you should stretch before and after exercising, and if your body is still suffering, you should ask for her help. 


We probably know what you’re thinking, because headaches are extremely common and many of us have them quite regularly- but we’re telling you that it’s not healthy to tolerate headaches. They may be an underlying sign of a more dangerous disease, caused by back and neck injuries, or they can be stress-related. If you experience them quite often, you need to check your blood pressure, and if it turns out normal, then your go-to place is a physiotherapy clinic.

Postural-Related Discomfort

We often lose track of time when we are too busy with work. We even forget to change the way we are sitting, standing, or moving. When we stay in the same position for too long, especially if it is a wrong one, we put extra pressure on our muscles and tendons. After a while, we experience either discomfort or mild aches and pains. You should constantly remind yourself to move and take short breaks every hour. Also, a preventive physical therapy check-up is advisable because your therapist will show you how to correct your posture before it leads to permanent damage. It’s imperative that you consult a well-known and reliable clinic so that you can ensure that you’re dealing with certified professionals.

Practicing good posture is essential for overall musculoskeletal health, and there are specific exercises that physical therapists recommend to help patients improve their posture. One such exercise is the shoulder press. This exercise helps strengthen the shoulders and upper back muscles, which can help pull the shoulders into a more upright position. Another helpful exercise is the overhead reach. This exercise helps to lengthen the muscles in the chest and front of the shoulders, which can help to open up the chest and improve posture. Finally, the plank is a great all-around exercise for strengthening the core muscles, which can help to support good posture. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can help to improve your posture and reduce your risk of pain and injury.

Sudden Changes

When part of your body gets swollen, it will become tender and change in appearance. It is highly noticeable in the knees in particular because you have a reference, so the lack of symmetry is obvious. The abnormality is not only in the way it looks, but in its performance as well. You may find regular chores more challenging and have difficulty in lifting objects or going up and down the stairs. 

Wear and tear is a side effect of aging, that’s why it is important to have regular sessions to decrease the effect. If going down to the clinic has become too hard for you or time-consuming, some medical centers offer online sessions that guide you through the process in interactive videos. 


People mostly laugh at the doctors when they prescribe physical therapy after surgery. They think that by having their joint or disc fixed, they are ready to go back to their normal life. However, that’s not the case, as the body needs time to go back to the way it used to be. Rehabilitation is necessary to help you get back on track. 

Unfortunately, people spread rumors about physical therapy. They say that it doesn’t help them or it is just a waste of time and effort. However, their experience is mostly from what they hear from other people and they may have never even tried it themselves. So, don’t give up after a few sessions because real results take time. According to SABRINA SERAJ, DPT, CKTP, commitment can create miracles because therapists cannot magically fix people if they don’t want to stick to a plan. 

Medications Don’t Work 

We bet that at each home there is a cabinet full of painkillers. The easiest thing to do is to swallow pills that numb the pain instead of addressing the situation. At some point, the drugs no longer work and no matter how many capsules or injections you take, the excruciating pain don’t leave you. 

A red flag must be raised, and you should stop taking medication and visit a doctor immediately, as they will turn into toxins if you exceed the recommended amount. You should have some tests taken and take what the doctor prescribes, even if the prescription includes seeing a psychiatrist. 

You should take care of your body and listen to its needs. Pushing yourself too hard and ignoring the pain will worsen the situation. The bottom line is, the sooner you get diagnosed, the easier and shorter the journey towards recovery becomes. So, if you decide to seek professional help, you should stick around and stay committed.



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