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How To Prepare For A Liposuction?


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With 300,000 people undergoing it annually, liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the US. This surgical process removes excess fat deposits from different body parts and reshapes your body’s contour and enhances its proportions. A lean silhouette enhances your confidence and self-worth. These reasons encourage many people to undergo this procedure.

But you need to prepare yourself before going under the knife. This article explains some ways to help you prepare for liposuction and get the desired body shape:

  1. Lose extra weight

Start preparing for the process by trying to reach your target weight. Liposuction isn’t a weight-loss procedure but a body-contouring technique. It’s more effective for people close to their ideal weight but have localized areas of excess fat unaffected by dieting or exercise. Don’t take liposuction as a substitute for weight loss or a solution to obesity.

  1. Find reliable surgeons

If you want to undergo liposuction, contact a reliable surgeon in your city. Ensure you choose someone with enough experience and good reviews from previous clients. Many people, for instance, decide to get a liposuction done by Dr. Jeffrey D. Hopkins because of his credentials as well as his successful track record.

Look at the online reviews on a surgeon’s website to assess their competency. Ask them about the different financing options they offer.

  1. Keep yourself healthy

Stay active and healthy before liposuction, but don’t overburden your body. There’s no need to engage in more high-intensity exercises; just stick to your usual workout routine when preparing for surgery. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle before or after the surgery. You must keep moving to let your body pull through liposuction without side effects. Your normal workout routine is enough to promote proper circulation and healthy metabolism today.

You should engage in healthy pastimes, such as jogging, walking, cycling, and dancing, to keep yourself in the prime of your health and ready to undergo liposuction.

  1. Change your diet

Prepare yourself for liposuction by avoiding junk food. Only eat healthy stuff to boost your health and increase skin elasticity. Your post-surgery healing process also requires a nutritious diet. You should eat antioxidant-rich food and keep yourself properly hydrated. Surgeons recommend adding these foods to your diet:


  1. Stop using nicotine

It’s important to give up smoking and drinking before your surgery. Nicotine blood flow in blood vessels, so your body doesn’t have healthy circulation. Your post-surgery healing process can be affected when your veins are constricted. Let your body heal on its own. Stop consuming nicotine.

  1. Avoid common drugs

Avoid taking common drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, when you’re about to undergo liposuction. These drugs interfere with blood clotting and cause bleeding issues. Surgeons recommend not taking such drugs for at least a week after the procedure. Opt for different alternatives when you have a headache.

Also, don’t take any herbal supplements before the medical procedure. Many supplements can mess with anesthesia and disrupt surgery, such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and St. John’s wort, among others. Always tell the surgeon if you’re using meds or supplements.

  1. Ask for support

Almost one-half of patients get anxiety before surgery. You should also expect to go through an emotional rollercoaster before liposuction, where you’ll find yourself questioning your decision to go under the knife. Feeling doubted or frustrated is a normal reaction to an upcoming surgery.

One solution involves asking your family and friends for support. Enlist their assistance and you’ll overcome your fears. Also, contact your surgeon; they may address any pending concerns about the procedure. So, ensure you go into the clinic with a clear head free of doubt.

  1. Clean your space

Prepare your home for your arrival and ensure you return to a clean and hygienic space. Don’t forget that the recovery process requires you to live in a clean space without any clutter. You will need a few days of downtime to relax and bounce back from the surgery. A cluttered, unsanitary place will only hinder your recovery. So, if you wish to recuperate comfortably, do the following:


  1. Make necessary preparations

Before undergoing liposuction, you should shower and wash properly. You won’t be able to bathe like you used to for a few days after liposuction. Avoid eating/drinking anything hours before it. Your stomach needs to be empty when you’re about to go under the knife; otherwise, you’ll vomit everything out. Sleep well the night before your surgery so you may wake up fresh and ready for cosmetic surgery. Moreover, do these things on the day of your surgery:


Undergoing liposuction can help you alleviate discomfort by removing excess body fat and enhancing your body shape. However, you need to prepare yourself – mentally and physically – before the surgery. Find a reliable local plastic surgeon to perform this procedure on you. Keep yourself healthy by staying away from smoking, drinking, or eating junk food. Instead, build your muscles, clean your space, and wash your body. These preparations are necessary to keep your body healthy and strong before and after liposuction.



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