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How to reduce wrinkles on the face?

The most noticeable signs of skin aging are wrinkles. These folds on your skin are caused by a lack of elastin and collagen. Both of these keep our skin supple and healthy. With age, your skin becomes thinner and more prone to damage. Facial wrinkles can be caused by a variety of factors. The good news is that there are some ways to slow skin aging down. If you want the most effective treatment, go for Botox Glasgow. For now, keep reading if you want to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines.

Structure of Skin

The skin is essentially made up of three different layers: the outermost layer, or epidermis; the middle supporting layer, known as the dermis; and the lower, supporting subcutaneous layer.

  1. The epidermis: The epidermis is itself divided into several layers. The most frequently occurring epidermal cell is called the keratinocyte, or cornifying cells. These are produced in the lower levels of the epidermis and then migrate gradually outwards over a two-week period. The outermost part of the epidermis is known as the stratum corneum or horny layer and by the time the keratinocytes reach this part of the epidermis they have changed from plump round cells with nuclei to flattened cells that have started to lose their nucleus. This takes another two weeks. This process is known as cornification and is important in helping the skin to fulfill its function as a barrier. The epidermis can be thought of as the icing on top of a cake. It is thickest on the palms and soles and thinnest on the eyelids.
  2. The dermis: This may be thought of as the marzipan layer of a cake. It is thicker than the icing (the epidermis), particularly, for example, on the scalp where it has to support hair growth. The dermis is composed of about 95 per cent collagen and 5 per cent elastin. These form the skin’s supporting structure and help it to act as a shock absorber. Although there is only 5 per cent elastin, or elastic tissue, it is very efficient in helping the skin to spring back when necessary. The dermis also helps to maintain the supply of nutrients, water and electrolytes to the epidermis which are essential for normal function. The dermis is thickest on places like the scalp and back, and thinnest on the eyelids.
  3. The subcutaneous layer: If the epidermis is the icing on the cake, and the dermis the marzipan, then the subcutaneous layer would have to be the substance of the cake itself. It consists mainly of fat, crisscrossed by blood vessels, nerve fibers and fibrous cells. Its thickness varies so that it can be centimeters thick over the buttocks but very thin indeed on the eyelids, for example. It is vital in the maintenance of normal skin function and can also contribute significantly to skin ageing through the migration and loss of subcutaneous fat from various parts of the skin. Most commonly this loss of fat occurs in the face and cheeks, whereas (particularly in women) the fat lasts longest in the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. This is probably a feature related to the need for ‘emergency’ fat supplies in times of famine or starvation women are much better survivors than most men

Tips to get rid of facial wrinkles

It is important to understand that aging is a natural process, so you should not fear wrinkles. However, if you want to slow down the process, here are a few tips.

1. Use sunscreen

Protect your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of fun by wearing sunscreen. UV radiation is the most dangerous source of skin cancer. It can also cause wrinkles and skin aging. By wearing sunscreen, you will keep your skin wrinkle-free for a longer period of time.

2. Limited sugar intake

Sugar consumption has many negative effects on our health. It accelerates the production of AGEs, which breaks our body collagen and makes us look older. So, when we control the sugar intake, we get fewer wrinkles and fine lines.

3. No smoking

Smoking is a major cause of aging skin. If you smoke every day, you will appear ten times older. Even if you are near secondhand smoke, your skin can be affected. So, say no to smoking and keep your skin healthy.

4. Use coconut oil

Coconut oil can provide amazing results for your skin. It fills in the gaps on your skin. Coconut oil also moisturizes your skin. Coconut oil can also help dry skin retain moisture. For a healthy and wrinkle-free face, use coconut oil.

5. Take beta carotene supplements

Our skin benefits greatly from beta carotene. By blocking UV rays, it prevents our skin from becoming wrinkled. Beta carotene and vitamin A are used in anti-aging creams because of this. You can take beta carotene supplements for instant and better results. However, you should consult your physician before taking any supplement.

6. Get a Botox treatment

Botox treatments are often used to get fuller skin. You will receive injections around the wrinkle area to make your skin smoother and tighter. It is the most effective treatment for wrinkles.

After getting Botox, your muscles will relax, and the fine lines will start disappearing. The effects stay for 4 to 6 months. After that, you need more injections.

7. Eat more healthy fish

Healthy fats are great for your skin. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel. It can make our skin look younger and fuller. By adding healthy fish to your diet, you can get rid of those wrinkles quickly.

8. Practice good sleeping posture

Your sleeping posture can cause wrinkles on your face. When you sleep in the same position every night, pressing your face against the pillow can leave marks and cause wrinkles. This process is called compression. Sleeping on your back will prevent wrinkles. Therefore, there will be no pressure on your face while you sleep.

9. Keep your face clean

If you wear makeup for quite a long time, it can harm your skin. Makeup products contain harmful chemicals that are absorbed by your skin. It increases oxidative stress in our skin. You get premature wrinkles and fine lines as a result. Therefore, you should keep your face clean and moisturized.

Wash your skin regularly with a soft wipe. Avoid scrubbing the skin with something harsh. After cleaning, apply moisturizer for better results.

10. Boost antioxidants intake

Our skin feels the most oxidative stress than our other organs. Your skin gets damaged every day. Your skin can be protected from damage by antioxidants. Antioxidants can be increased by following a healthy diet. Antioxidants can make your skin healthy and reduce wrinkles in grapes, blueberries, spinach, beans, and green vegetables.


Here are the best ways to get rid of face wrinkles. Aging has its own beauty, as does every phase of our lives. Maturation is a natural process. Therefore, wrinkles and fine lines associated with aging should not be feared.

If you’re seeing facial wrinkles when you’re in your 30s, then you should use these tips to slow down the process. You can also consult a dermatologist for more effective advice.



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