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Is FUE Hair Transplant Permanent?

FUE hair transplant is a process with an invasive hair transplant. It provides a natural-looking outcome. Compared to other hair transplant methods, FUE has a shorter recovery period. The question you are probably asking is, is FUE hair transplant permanent?

Have you considered going to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for an affordable hair transplant? Professional doctors are required to perform hair transplant treatment in Malaysia so you can be assured of getting top-notch medical service and care at an affordable price.

In this article, we will discuss if an FUE hair transplant is permanent and the process of undergoing an FUE hair transplant.

Process of FUE Hair Transplant

FUE is a hair transplant method where each hair strand is moved from the donor area of the scalp and transplanted to the recipient area. The following steps are as follows:


The first step of the procedure is consultation with your hair transplant surgeon. The surgeon will assess the state of your hair. Then, he will determine if you can undergo this method of hair transplant.

Preparation for the Donor Area

The next step is the preparation for the donor area. The donor part is shaved and prepared for extraction. The donor part is usually found in the back of the scalp, wherein the hair is resistant to balding.


The third step is the process of extraction. In this process, the surgeon will remove each hair strand from the back of the scalp called the donor area. A small tool is used to remove the hair. The tool to be used will depend upon the size or hair type. It usually ranges from 0.7mm to 1.0mm in diameter.

Preparation and Sorting

After the extraction process, the hair strands are prepared and sorted.  The next process is called preparation and sorting for the hair transplant. The surgeon will divide the hair follicles into groups by the number of hair in each unit.

Preparation for the Recipient Area

After the sorting, the next step is the preparation for the area that will receive the transplant. This requires making small cuts where the follicular units will be transplanted. To achieve a natural-looking result, the incisions are made in a manner that matches the natural direction and angle of the surrounding hair.


Afterward, a fine needle is used to transplant the extracted follicular units. The hair units will go to the recipient area. Each unit will be placed in the prepared incision by the surgeon.  He will make sure that the hair’s angle and direction match the surrounding hair.

Care After the Procedure

The surgeon will provide post-operative care instructions. It may include restrictions on physical activity, washing instructions, and medication.

Taking Care of a New Transplant Hair

To ensure that the transplanted hair follicles have the best chance of survival,  take care of your new hair transplant. Here are a few general tips on the most proficient method to deal with another hair relocation:

Follow the Instructions for Post-Operative Care

After the procedure, your surgeon will give you specific instructions for your hair. To hasten the healing process and lessen the infection, you need to follow these instructions:

Keep Away From the Transplanted Area

Touching or scratching the transplanted area can cause the new hair to be dislodged. These actions might impede the healing process.

Avoid Doing Strenuous Exercise

To avoid disrupting the transplanted follicles, physical activity must stop. These include heavy lifting or intense exercise. You must avoid it for at least a few weeks following the procedure.

Sleeping on the Back

For the first few nights following the procedure, it is advised to sleep on your back. By doing so, you avoid rubbing or pressing on the transplanted area.

Avoid Being in the Sun

The sunlight can harm the fragile skin of the scalp. This might delay the healing of the scalp.   When you are outside, you need to avoid direct sunlight.  Remember to wear a hat or other protective covering.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

A well-balanced, healthy diet can aid in healing and produce healthy hair growth. Food sources plentiful in protein, nutrients, and minerals are especially helpful.

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Smoking and drinking alcohol can hinder hair growth and wound healing. You must stop smoking and drinking for some time or half a month following the after care procedure.

To get the best results from the procedure, follow specific instructions your surgeon gives you. Be sure to keep in touch with your surgeon throughout the recovery process. You can report any issues or concerns.

Is FUE Hair Transplant Permanent?

Yes, the procedure is a permanent hair transplant. In FUE Hair transplant, the donor area is the back of the scalp and this is where the hair is resistant to balding. This is where the transplanted hair follicles are taken. After that, they are moved to the area that will receive them. These follicles keep their genetic characteristics, such as their resistance to balding.

Though FUE hair transplant is permanent, the results may take time. What happens after the procedure is that the transplanted hair will shed within a few weeks. Before new hair growth begins, the hair follicles will enter a resting phase. The first signs of new hair growth can take several months to appear. Also, the final results can take up to a year or longer to manifest.

Even though FUE is a permanent treatment for hair loss, that does not necessarily stop hair loss. In the absence of transplants, patients may experience hair loss. A hair transplant surgeon can test your hair loss pattern. He can also make customized treatment recommendations. So, it is important to discuss your specific concerns and goals with them.

Success Rate of FUE Hair Transplant

The success rate of an FUE hair transplant is influenced by many factors. These include the surgeon’s training and experience, and the donor’s hair quality.  It can also be the patient’s age, general health condition, and degree of hair loss.

FUE hair transplants are often successful.  The majority of patients see noticeable hair growth where the transplant was made. But, it is important to keep in mind that individual outcomes can differ. FUE hair transplant operations may be helpful for individuals with extensive hair loss.


Hair growth in areas of the scalp that are affected by hair loss might undergo high success with FUE. But you need to meet with a surgeon to discuss your specific concerns and goals. He will be able to assess your pattern of hair loss. He can also make treatment recommendations that are tailored to your needs. For more information, you can contact professional doctors at



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