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IV Treatment for Cold & Flu

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While we are all trying to be safe and taking precautions against the coronavirus outbreak, we fail to take notice of another serious case: the influenza virus. Influenza, also known as “flu” virus, attacks the respiratory system – nose, throat and lungs. Runny nose, cough, vomiting, sneezes, all take a toll on the body and few medicines can help so far. Due to this pandemic, it has been hard to recognize and diagnose the symptoms of a COVID-19  and a regular flu case. Although both have similar symptoms, their treatments are far different.

IV treatments, however, have proven to boost immunity levels by hydrating the body with all necessary body fluids that are lost in the case of the flu. Although most flu-cases resolve on their own, some need help in building up the immune system to fight the virus. IV therapy can help one feel better faster and reduce recovery time to half.


IV treatments or IV therapy builds up a chunk of necessary vitamins and nutrients that are required by the body when it reaches the point of exhaustion during a cold or flu. Vomiting, fevers, sneezing all lead to dehydration at one point, and usually the person down with the flu isn’t able to drink enough to replace the fluid that’s been lost.

IV hydration therapy deems to replenish lost nutrients, cure flu-like symptoms, and also help to improve memory. It helps in repairing DNA and makes the body produce energy, relaxes chronic muscle or migraine pain, and relieves fatigue or stress.

One of the main ingredients of this therapy is vitamin-infused drips. Huge amounts of vitamin Cs help in improving the immune system and also aids in fat burning for those who want a healthy body.IV therapy that includes detoxifying the body and rejuvenating ageless beauty with skin treatments are done using different drips


Even if IV therapy is a good way to get well from the flu, it is costly; one of the main reasons why many physicians suggest the drip only for chronic patients. A typical vitamin-infused cocktail drip costs around $100-$150 and specialized ones cost more than 1k. These treatments are not typically covered by insurance.


Drink, drink, drink! Even if you are on IV treatment, drinking more fluids will act as a catalyst to faster recovery. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea can leave one completely dehydrated. Hydration is essential to fight the virus, whether it’s a cold or stomach flu.

The body uses water to wash down the mucous and help prevent building up at the back of the throat. Warm liquids, such as soup, ginger tea, or herbal tea can make you feel warm and better.

Also warm baths, and inhaling steam from warm water and menthol acts as a humidifier and helps you breathe more easily and soothes your senses, making you feel more relaxed.


Resting at home prevents you from not only exposing yourself to others but also gives your body the time to heal properly. Sleep is an important factor in fighting the virus. It may look as if you aren’t doing anything but sleeping actually improves your immune system and helps in destroying the virus. When you are ill, your body is working towards fighting the infection and it works better when the body is at rest.

IV treatment centers also provide sleep therapy for those who have difficulty falling asleep.


Zinc supplements are a good source in helping to create white blood cells, a crucial tool for fighting an infection. Zinc not only helps in fighting viruses but also slows down the virus from reproducing.


Due to the flu, it’s normal to lose appetite and not eat anything. However, you need the energy to fight off the infection. Eat small portions of food, every 2-3 hours, that can easily be digested rather instead of devouring a whole meal. That way the body takes up less energy to break down the food and has extra left to fight the virus.

However, certain types of foods should be avoided when you have a cold. Dairy, spicy food, junk food, caffeine, foods high in fats, etc.  IV therapy helps in supplementing the body with the proper nutrients and provides extra energy required for the body to fight the infection.


Flu and cold symptoms can lead to dehydration which will make you feel worse every second. Usually, you will not feel like drinking water or the effort of it would seem too tiring. IV therapy helps in replenishing your water intake and speeds up your recovery too. It also helps in boosting your immune system and creates antibodies to help fight the infection.

However, if it is a bacterial infection, then antibiotics should be taken as prescribed by the physician. Bacterial infection tends to last a week or more and takes a toll on the body. IV therapy helps in flushing out the toxic pathogens and rejuvenating the body with nutrients.

All that is needed for a healthy body is a lot of liquids in the system, increased rest, timely medications, and IV hydrating drip sessions for a fast recovery. Even if you do not have a cold or flu, IV drips can help you relax by detoxifying harmful chemicals from your system and prevent you from catching an infection.

In this pandemic, IV therapy has become essential for patients who have low immune stability and require extra help to build antibodies. With high fever, cough, runny nose, sneezing all going around, it is easy to catch the virus and become sick, exposing others to your illness (doctors, nurses, ward boys, other patients, etc.). However, if you start up with the IV therapy before you get the virus,  it may help to prevent you from getting it later on and also help you fight it. But the essential part is always to be careful and be prepared. Wear appropriate safety gear so as not to expose yourself, or others, to infection and always stay clean and safe.



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