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Facts about Blue Jacaranda

Blue Jacaranda Quick Facts
Name: Blue Jacaranda
Scientific Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia
Origin Central and eastern South America, including Uruguay, parts of Argentina (Entre Rios, Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman), Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Cordillera) and as far as Bolivia
Colors Green when young turning to reddish brown as they matures
Shapes Hard, round, flat, reddish brown, woody capsule, 3.2-5.8 cm (1.2-2.28 in) in length and 4-6 cm (1.5-2.3 in) in width
Health benefits Beneficial for amoebic dysentery, syphilis, hepatitis, neuralgia and varicose veins, skin infections, bacterial infections and gonorrhea
Jacaranda mimosifolia, commonly called Black poui, Blue Jacaranda, Jacarand belongs to the Bignoniaceae (Trumpet-creeper family), which contains other genera containing some well-known species including Bignonia, Catalpa, Marrkamia, Spathodea, Tabebuia and Tecoma. The plant is native to central and eastern South America, including Uruguay, parts of Argentina (Entre Rios, Jujuy, Salta, and Tucuman), Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Cordillera) and as far as Bolivia. Some of the popular common names of the plant are Jacaranda, Xicranda, Brazilian rose wood, Black poui, Blue Jacaranda, Jacarand, green ebony, mimosa-leaved jacaranda, mimosa-leaved jacaranda, Fern Tree and sharp-leaved jacaranda. Older sources call it Jacaranda acutifolia, but it is nowadays more usually classified as Jacaranda mimosifolia. In scientific usage, the name “jacaranda” refers to the genus Jacaranda, which has many other members, but in horticultural and everyday usage, it nearly always means the blue jacaranda.

Plant Description

Blue Jacaranda is a fast growing, striking ornamental, deciduous or semi-evergreen tree that grows about 5-15 m tall and up to 20-25 m on favorable sites. Bole is almost always short and malformed; it can be up to 40 – 50cm in diameter. The plant is found growing in bush land, grassland, wooded ravines, riverbanks, drier or mesic areas, in savanna and other grasslands, riparian woodland and other riverside habitats, also in forests and in sheltered situations such as in wooded ravines. Bark is thin and grey-brown in color, smooth when the tree is young though it eventually becomes finely scaly rough, with shallow grooves. Twigs are slender and slightly zigzag; they are a light reddish-brown in color.                                 


Height 20-40 feet
Spread 45-60 feet
Crown Uniformity Irregular
Crown Shape Vase, spreading
Crown density Open
Growth Rate Fast
Texture Fine


Trunk and Branches

Trunk/branches branches droop; showy; typically one trunk; no thorns
Bark light brown, smooth, becoming blocky and rough with age
Pruning requirement needed for strong structure
Breakage susceptible to breakage
Current year twig color gray, brown
Current year twig thickness thick
Wood specific gravity unknown



Blue Jacaranda leaves are arranged alternately, their length is between 25 and 45 cm (10-18 in) and they are bipinnately compound. Each compound leave consists of 13 to 31 elliptic to elliptic-oblong pinnae, and each pinnae of 10 to 41 stable leaflets. The shape of the leaflets is elongated to elongated-ellipsoid, their color is green, and they have a length of 3-12 mm (0.12-0.48 in) and a width of 1-4 mm (0.04-0.16 in).

Leaf Arrangement Alternate
Leaf type Bipinnately compound, odd-pinnately compound, made up of 20 secondary leaflets per primary leaflet
Leaf Margin Entire
Leaf Shape Obovate, rhomboid
Leaf venation unknown
Leaf type and persistence deciduous
Leaf blade length 9 to 18 inches, primary leaflets are 5 inches, secondary leaflets are ¼ inch
Leaf Color Green
Fall Color No color change
Fall characteristics Not showy



The tubular-shaped flowers are hermaphrodite. Their amazing color varies with the shade of blue – blue-purple, lilac-purple, lavender blue or mauve. Flowers are carried on clusters – upright terminal panicle inflorescences the length of which reaches up to 45 cm (18 in). The size of each individual flower varies in length from 2.4 to 5.2 cm (1-2 in) and in width between 0.7 to 1.2 cm (0.27-0.47 in). Flowering normally takes place from May to August.

Flower Color lavender to violet purple
Flower Characteristics very showy; lightly fragrant; emerges on numerous 12-18 inches long panicles
Flowering spring and summer



Fertile flowers are followed by hard, round, flat, reddish brown, woody capsule, 3.2-5.8 cm (1.2-2.28 in) in length and 4-6 cm (1.5-2.3 in) in width containing numerous small winged seeds. Seeds are small flat, winged that are 5-6 mm (0.19-0.23 in) long and 4-4.5 mm (0.15-0.17 in) wide. To harvest the seeds for replanting, pick the seed pods directly from the tree when they are dry. Pods that have fallen to the ground may not contain seeds.

Fruit shape round, disk-like capsule
Fruit length 3 inches
Fruit Covering Dry or hard
Fruit color brown
Fruit Characteristics does not attract wildlife; not showy; fruit/leaves a litter problem


Traditional uses and benefits of Blue Jacaranda

Other facts





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