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Physical therapists in the woodlands: treatments and techniques

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Physical therapy is an effective process and easier treatment for a whole range of spine conditions. It aids in reducing pain and improving body function by increasing strength, flexibility as well as endurance.

The professional physical therapists in the woodlands can assist in formulating a tailored program to suit your specific needs.

Different Types of Physical Therapy Treatments

The physical therapy procedure includes a sequence of passive treatments such as massage which entails the therapists moving different parts of your body, ice packs, and ultrasound. These treatments enable your body to ease and reduce pain, but research has it that there are no more effective try-on procedures thereafter.

Physical therapy training exercises when performed actively over a long period can tremendously reduce the pain and hence improve progressively the function and quality of the human body. Physical therapists often measure the strength and how fast and well your body or different parts of the body can respond or move. The specialists then compare the findings with what healthy and strong individuals your age and ideal weight can do.

Your physical specialists then tailor and designs an exercise routine to increase your strength and energy, flexibility, and stamina. Research has it that consistency in the physical exercise programs aids in improving and strengthening the shoulder, back and hip muscles and drastically reduces the pain over a certain period. Subject to your condition, some of the physical therapies may include:

It takes a considerable amount of time for noticeable change to be witnessed and experience less pain, but thereafter as the pain decreases so will you improve on your involvement in daily activities. You will soon be back on your feet and exercising on your own since the pain will be less severe and frequent. Some of the effective physical therapy treatments and techniques used to ease pain include the following:

1. Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is the hands-on type of physical therapy that enables your therapist to use their hands to move joints that you cannot. This is also referred to as passive exercise. This type of therapy is often ideal if you are experiencing musculoskeletal stiffness, pain, and disability. Manual therapy also includes joint mobilization and the massage of the soft tissues. It reduces swelling and muscle immobilization. This kind of technique is usually very comforting as it helps one relax and experience less pain.

2. Exercise Therapy

This is a regimen or plan that your physical therapists design to help you strengthen your muscles and facilitate the recovery from certain diseases or any type of condition that hinders the movement and performance of the daily activities or maintains a state of well-being in a person. This aids in enabling full movement of a muscle or joint. This type of exercise is also eligible if you are experiencing conditions such as lower back pain. Therapeutic exercise can also help if you are recuperating from surgery or any kind of injury. The exercises play a major role in strengthening and stretching the muscles around muscle and key joints which in return helps you to stay flexible and strong. You may commence therapy sessions in the hospital and continue practicing them at home.

3. Ice and Hot Pack

Both ice and hot pack are part of physical therapy. An ice pack can decrease a swell drastically because of its cooling effect as it slows down the blood flow in an injured or wounded area by reducing the inflammation. A hot pack on the other hand can loosen and decompress a stiff joint or muscle. These different techniques are ideal and effective for pain and swelling. A physical therapist will advise on how to address your injury.

4. Physical Therapy

A similar name to physical therapy is hydrotherapy. It is the process of movement or exercising done in water preferably in a tub or a pool. Water plays a major role in resisting movement and supporting your body. In addition, it allows you to move freely to strengthen your muscles without putting weight and pressure on your muscles and joints. Physical therapy aids in increasing strength, versatility, and endurance. This technique is preferable and most effective for individuals who cannot endure weight-training exercises such as walking, because of pain and fragility.

5. Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy uses high-frequency wavelengths. The sound waves rummage in your skin painlessly. The body tissues tend to absorb the energy from the ultrasound. The technique creates heat as the ultrasound energy passes through a hand-held device which the physical therapists use to pass over the skin near the injury. This causes the ultrasound energy to increase the flow of blood and also aids in loosening tight muscle tissues thus speeding up the process of healing which is effective for conditions such as pain and stiffness of the body.

6. Electrotherapy

It is the process of passing electrical energy through your skin whereby reduces pain by interjecting pain signals in the nerves close to the site of the injury. It alters the way your central nervous system which is your brain or nervous system processes any type of pain. Your physical therapists may either use a hand-held device or pass electrodes on your skin to help ease a painful condition.


Physical therapy is an integral part of healing and recovery, to improve your movement, aid in reducing pain from an injury, and avert weakness or stiffness that could lead to disability. It also helps you as an individual to stay fit as you recover from a recent injury or surgery as it takes a considerable amount of time to experience changes and results hence your therapists’ advice on patience and trusting the process as it is not quite easy to predict how many therapy sessions will be needed to regain your strength and mobility.



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