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Know about the Pig Canary

Pig Canary Quick Facts
Name: Pig Canary
Scientific Name: Canarium decumanum
Origin Malesia: East Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), Indonesia – (Moluccas, Kalimantan, Papua) and Papua New Guinea
Colors Blue-black
Canarium genus consists of 100 species of tropical and subtropical trees belonging to family Burseraceae. It grows naturally across tropical Africa, Indochina, South and Southeast Asia, Australia, Malesia and Western Pacific Islands including from southern Nigeria east to Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Mauritius and India; from Malaysia, Burma and Thailand through the Malay Peninsula and Vietnam to south China, Taiwan and the Philippines; through Indonesia, Borneo, Timor and New Guinea, through to the Solomon Islands, Fiji, New Caledonia, Samoa, Tonga and Palau.  The evergreen tree grows to the height of 30 – 60 meters tall. Bole is straight and cylindrical and can be unbranched for most of its height. It is 100-200 cm in diameter and has large buttresses which measures 8 meters tall and 5 meters across.


Canarium decumanum is a large tree with large buttresses. It is 8 meters high and 5 meters across. The tree grows to the height of 30-60 meters and trunk is 1-2 meters across.  Small branches are angular and 1-1.5 cm across. Small stipules are found at the base of leaf stalk which looks like simple leaves without teeth. Leaves are formed in spirals and comprises of 4-6 pairs of leaflets. Leaves are 35 to 45 cm long and leaflets are oval and are between 5-30 cm long by 3-10 cm wide. Leaflets are papery and stiff. Flower clusters occur in leaf axils. The cluster of male flowers is 4-19 cm long with many flowers and female flower clusters are 5-7 cm long with few flowers. Fruits are triangular in cross section and measures 7-8 cm long by 4-6 cm wide.

Culinary uses





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