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Possible reasons your stamina is low

In the absence of sufficient stamina, simply making it through the day can seem like a herculean feat. Excelling at work, maintaining personal relationships and indulging in your favorite hobbies are all liable to prove difficult in the face of waning stamina levels. Just know that if you’re currently experiencing a depletion in stamina, you’re not alone. Low stamina is a very common issue for which there are a number of causes and remedies. So, if you’re unclear on why your stamina levels are waning, consider the following reasons.

Extreme Stress

Stress is a persistent problem for countless Americans and can have a number of adverse impacts on both physical health and mental well-being. Given how emotionally draining extreme stress can be, it should come as no surprise that uncontrolled stress can also facilitate low stamina. So, if you suspect your stamina problems stem from stress, you should start taking active measures to get your stress levels under control.

For example, if a significant portion of your stress stems from working, try to set healthy boundaries with both bosses and coworkers. Since many of us live in perpetual fear of losing our livelihood, we often feel as if we have no choice but to say yes to every request our bosses make of us. However, if this approach to working has placed an enormous strain on your leisure time, personal relationships or mental fortitude, don’t be afraid of voicing your concerns to the relevant parties. In some cases, bosses fail to recognize when employees are being overworked because no one speaks up.

Whether your stress is the product of working, mentally exhausting relationships, past trauma or any combination thereof, you stand to benefit from seeking professional mental health assistance. A good therapist can provide invaluable insight into a vast array of issues, offer up practical advice for dealing with problems and educate you on effective coping measures for stressful situations. If fear of high costs has prevented you from giving therapy a try in the past, look for therapists who charge on a sliding scale or community clinics that provide mental health services free of charge.

Certain Medications

Many medications carry a plethora of potential side-effects, so if your depleted stamina coincided with you starting a new medication, there’s a good chance the medication is to blame. Loss of energy is particularly common with sedatives and antidepressants, so if you’re currently taking either one, take care to remain mindful of your stamina levels. If your waning energy reserves are making life difficult for you, discuss your concerns with a doctor. In all likelihood, they’ll be able to adjust the dosage accordingly or prescribe an alternative that’s less likely to bring about similar side-effects.

Low White Blood Cell Count

A depletion in your white blood cell count is another potential cause of fatigue. There are many reasons for which white cell counts take a dip, and while not all of them are imminently serious, any reduction in white cell count should be thoroughly examined by your doctor – and possibly even a hematologist. Causes for low white cell count include malnutrition, autoimmune disorders, infections and bone marrow disease. Additionally, it’s very common for cancer patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy to experience a reduction in white cells as a result of their treatments.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to treat low white cell count, and the exact treatment method your doctor recommends is likely to depend on the cause and severity of the problem. In some instances, doctors will recommend white cell-boosting medications. Other times, they’ll advise you to get white blood cell injections. Furthermore, anyone looking to donate healthy blood is encouraged to donate blood platelets at Vitalant.

Lack of Proper Sleep

The health benefits of proper sleep are too numerous to list in full. However, the foremost perks of good sleep habits include a more robust immune system, a stronger heart, increased productivity, positive outlook and improved memory. Unfortunately, due to poor time management, persistent stress and various other factors, many of us consistently fail to get enough sleep. If this describes your sleep habits, the mystery of your low stamina may very well be solved.

So, if you’re looking to improve your overall quality of slumber, raise your stamina levels and enjoy the various other benefits of good sleep habits, don’t hesitate to get a handle on your nightly respite. First off, if you’ve developed a habit of going to bed at inconsistent times, there’s a good chance your internal clock is off-balance. To help correct this, start going to bed at the same time every night. Additionally, make sure the bedtime you assign yourself enables you to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. For maximum effectiveness, try to adhere to your new sleep schedules on weekends, as well – at least until you become fully acclimated to it.

If you have difficulty getting your mind and body in the mood for slumber, make your bedtime routine as thoroughly relaxing as possible. Thirty minutes to one hour before turning in, turn off any screens that are seeking to stimulate your brain and engage in activities that are conducive to sleepiness. For instance, deep breathing exercises, meditation, reading and journaling can all help you come down from the day and get you primed for a good night’s sleep.

People suffering from chronic sleep issues would do well to seek professional medical assistance. Your doctor should be able to help you pinpoint the root cause(s) of your sleeplessness and recommend suitable treatment options. Depending on how bad your sleep problems are, you may even want to consider seeking treatment at a dedicated sleep clinic.

Going about your daily routine with low stamina can make even the most mundane tasks seem like uphill battles. So, if your stamina levels are currently on the wane, there’s no time like the present to get to the root of the problem and take active measures to fix it. Low stamina is a very common problem for which there are a plethora of causes, and if you’re unclear on what’s behind your depleted stamina reserves, take care to consider the explanations discussed above.



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